The government is planning new changes to short-term leases from the autumn, with the aim of tackling it more effectively
housing crisis, but also the control of rent prices, then the stricter acquisition conditions Golden Visa.

The file on these leases will be opened again from September, so that by November the final decisions on the type and extent of the changes have been made, as there will be a more complete picture of the impact of the new tax measures implemented at the beginning of year.

Based on the plans of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, the new interventions are aimed, among other things, at expanding the number of property owners who can offer short-term leases, even with limitations on the number, duration and geographical coverage of leases.

In particular, the discussion table between the ministry and the agencies regarding the new regime for short-term leases is expected to include:

1. Numerical, location and time limitations on short-term rental per year. Moreover, based on what is already provided for in paragraph 8 of article 111 of Law 4446/2016: “By joint decision of the ministers of the National Economy and Finance, Development and Tourism, geographical areas may be defined for reasons related to the protection of the residence where restrictions on the availability of properties for short-term rental will apply as follows:

  • Do not allow the short-term rental of more than two properties per TIN of beneficiary income.
  • The lease of each property shall not exceed 90 days per calendar year and for islands with less than 10,000 inhabitants 60 days per calendar year. Exceeding the duration of the previous subsection is allowed if the total income of the lessor or sublessor, from all the properties available for lease or sublease, does not exceed 12,000 euros during the relevant tax year.

2. To define a maximum number of properties that will be rented out on a short-term basis per municipality, with competent actors stating that in each area the needs for housing, the amount of rent, the number of properties available for short-term rental should be recorded. Before any new change, the economic staff of the government wants to see the results of the latest legislative arrangements and based on them to “lock” any new measures for leases. The current measures It should be noted that since the beginning of this year:

  • Natural persons who have three or more properties on short-term lease are required to start a business by setting up sole proprietorships. They are now burdened with corresponding insurance contributions and must bear VAT of 13% on the gross short-term rental income they obtain from all their properties, which are exploited under this regime.
  • All short-term rentals are subject to a “climate resilience fee”, which scales from €0.5 to €10 per day.
  • The fine for non-registration in the Short-term Rental Real Estate Register, which until 31-12-2023 amounted to 5,000 euros and was imposed on the property manager, whether he is the owner, the beneficiary or a third party, is now set, per tax year, at 50% of the gross income of the last tax year and at least 5,000 euros.
  • A limit of 60 days was placed on the duration of a tenancy in order to count as short term.
  • In the event that it is available for short-term rental, all of the apartments in an apartment building or residential complex will be considered tourist accommodation and must be licensed.
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