New dose of complaint for the Minister of Health, Aurélien Rousseau, following his false comments

by time news

2023-10-12 15:29:14

On October 6, 2023, Professor Perronne and Xavier Azalbert, director of editorial and publication of France-Soir filed a complaint with the CJR (Court of Justice of the Republic) against the Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, has the rest of his lying words on France Inter on October 3 according to which there would be no side effects from Covid-19 vaccination.

In a tweet dated October 8, the Minister of Health did it again. Not only did he confirm his words, but above all, he committed fake news since it is not France-Soir who attacks him, but Xavier Azalbert, editorial director.

Shocked by the words of the Minister of Health, many victims of side effects of vaccination and/or representatives of victims’ groups, or associations, filed a complaint with the CJR on October 12. BonSens had proposed to help parties who would like to file a complaint and she announces this new complaint.

The facts alleged against the minister are the same as those in the complaint of Christian Perronne and Xavier Azalbert, namely the offense of attempted fraud consent to vaccination by a person holding public authority in the exercise or during the exercise of his functions or his mission, facts provided for and punished by articles 121-5, 313-1 and 313-2 of the code Criminal.

The plaintiffs consider that “the claim turns out to be fallacious” in view of the scientific information available in many countries and official documents from the French and European health authorities. Me Protat also declared on October 6 to France-Soir. “By claiming that there are no side effects from vaccination against Covid-19 while hundreds of thousands of cases have been recorded in France, 25% of which are serious, the Minister of Health has employee of fraudulent maneuvers.”

Professor Delfraissy, former president of the Scientific Council, confirmed that Minister Aurélien Rousseau “was wrong to say there were no side effects of vaccination against COVID-19″ this October 7 in C l’hebdo on France 5.

Added to these comments are the statements from ONIAM (National Office for Compensation for Medical Accidents) to questions from Senator LR Muller-Bronn regarding side effects – 91 victims of side effects of vaccination have already been compensated . A fact that the Minister of Health cannot ignore.

OPECST had recognized the existence of side effects

An important element of the complaint: The collectives Where is my cycle?, Verity France, Free Navigants and Key Midwives were interviewed by the parliamentary inquiry carried out by OPECST (Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices).

On May 24, 2022, OPECST conducted a public hearing, broadcast on the Public Senate channel, for the purpose of restoring all of the testimony received before submitting its conclusions. During this hearing, speakers from the ANSM (National Medicines Safety Agency) indicated in particular having been surprised by the number of reports of adverse effects on menstrual cycles from vaccination against Covid-19″.

The OPECST interim report of June 9, 2022 recognizes the existence of side effects following hearings with ANSM representatives.

However, a critical element appears in the complaint that France-Soir was able to consult: Me Protat made record the remarks of the hearings of certain complainants by bailiff. A key document which shows that OPECST and the authorities were well aware and did not may be unaware of the importance of side effects.

Contracts, another key element of the complaint, which the minister cannot ignore

During 2021, the European Union (EU) concluded contracts for the acquisition of vaccines against Covid-19 with vaccine manufacturers (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janseen). These contracts were concluded for France by the Santé publique France establishment which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.

The Minister of Health is therefore aware of the contract clauses. In particular on the serious doubts about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.

To date, the EU and France refuse to reveal these contracts to the public, despite the actions of many people and associations. However, it was possible to know the content of Pfizer-BioNtech’s contracts with Brazil and the South African Republic, the latter’s contract having recently been made public by a court decision of which the doctor of law Olivier Frot made the analysis. He does not hesitate to declare: “A contract so favorable to the industrialist seems abnormal to me.”

Olivier Frot confirms in his interview for France-Soir that these two contracts, written in an identical manner, affirm the lack of certainty of the manufacturer itself as to the effectiveness and safety of its product, for which it transfers all liability linked to side effects to the purchasing State.

For example, Article 2.1.b (product supply) states that:

“Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Pfizer’s efforts to develop and manufacture (…) the product are ambitious in nature and subject to significant risks and uncertainties (…). The product may not be successful for technical reasons, clinical, regulatory, manufacturing, shipping, storage or any other challenges or failures.”

Likewise, in article 5.5: “Acknowledgment by the buyer: (…) the buyer acknowledges below that the long-term effects and effectiveness of the vaccine are not currently known”.

As Olivier Frot confirms: “Responsibility for side effects is transferred to the States (articles s2 and 9 of the South African contract, this was already the case in the first contract of the European Commission, signed in November 2020, article I.12).”

A request of France-Soir to the EU to provide transparency on all contracts concerning Covid-19 vaccines which leads to a petition

In the name of the right that citizens have to know the truth, Xavier Azalbert, editorial director of France-Soirasked the European Commission to transparency on ALL vaccine contracts against Covid-19. The latter refused.

He decided to appeal and launched a petition which has already received more than 27,000 signatures. His request is justified in accordance with duty number one of the charter of journalism ethics (known as the Munich Charter), namely: “Respect the truth, whatever the consequences for oneself, because of the public’s right to know the truth.”

A very dark horizon for Aurélien Rousseau

Mélodie Féron, founder of the collective Where is my cycleattached this day declares:

“Aurélien Rousseau’s intervention is scandalous, it is deliberate disinformation and dishonesty. He despises the victims of side effects, it is therefore the responsibility of the collectives and associations representing the victims to react firmly to his The BonSens association gave us the opportunity and of course we seized it.”

For his part, Fréderic Beltra, President of Verity Franceexplain that :

“For three years now, uncertain comments, voluntary or not, have been broadcast in the media, often in a complacent manner in favor of the all-vaccine health policy. The comments are made by people to whom there is no opposition. “The decision to participate in this complaint is above all to put an end to these attitudes and show that from now on, we will react systematically and legally to any breach of the principles of law and ethics.”.

For lawyer Protat: “Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau therefore could not ignore the public and official works of OPESCT, which are public documents from a legal point of view, nor their results.”

And she recalls that “ lEuropean contracts remain covered by secrecy at Commission level, but the minister was aware of it! »

And she adds: “If the authorities decide to ignore it, it’s a mistake. By communicating as he did, the minister demonstrates either his ignorance of proven facts and therefore his incompetence, or that he deliberately lied, thereby seeking to truly launch the new vaccination campaign. »

The legal horizon is darkening for the Minister of Health who, to date, has still not received support from the Prime Minister.

These two complaints do not seem to be the last since other collectives and associations have already declared that they also want to file a complaint.

#dose #complaint #Minister #Health #Aurélien #Rousseau #false #comments

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