New Duden Edition Features ‘Klimakleber’ Among 3,000 New Words

by time news

New Issue

“Klimakleber” is now in the Duden

Image: dpa

After a four-year break, the new Duden will be released on Tuesday. 3,000 new words are included. According to the editor-in-chief of Duden, the language changes of recent years focus on three areas: crisis, war, and cooking.

Crisis, War, and Cooking

With 151,000 entries, the printed edition is as extensive as never before. The most significant language changes in recent years can be sharply reduced to three areas: crisis, war, and cooking, according to Kunkel-Razum.

For example, “Coronapandemie” (corona pandemic) has become a new term—alongside “Antigenschnelltest” (antigen rapid test) and “Coronaleugner/-in” (corona denier). Terms such as “Extremwetterereignis” (extreme weather event), “Flugabwehrsystem” (air defense system), “Gasmangellage” (gas shortage situation), and “Entlastungspaket” (relief package) reflect crises in other areas. Changing dietary habits are reflected in terms like “Fleischersatz” (meat substitute), “Gemüsekiste” (vegetable box), “Tahini,” and “Kontaktgrill” (electric, very compact grill).

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New Duden Edition Features ‘Klimakleber’ Among 3,000 New WordsA so-called “Hackenporsche” in the wild

Broadcast: Fritz, 19.08.2024, 6 AM

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