New “Excoionamo” is coming in 2024 for vulnerable households with a 75% subsidy

by time news

The new, second cycle of “I’m saving up» starts on February 7, 2024 and it also includes a special program for those without. That is, for vulnerable households, with low incomes who own a single-family house or apartment and wish to upgrade their home’s energy efficiency.

Applications start tomorrow and will run until March 29, 2024. The program is exclusively aimed at energy-vulnerable households that have a right in rem (full ownership, usufruct, tenancy) to a residence (detached house or apartment) legally, which is used as a main residence, it has not been deemed to be demolished and has been classified in an energy efficiency category lower than or equal to “C”.

In total, the program together with the first cycle will have enabled a total of 200,000 property owners throughout the country to make energy upgrades.

Read all the details:

New “Save”: The income criteria for 2024

Applicants should have:

  • Individual income for each beneficiary up to 5,000 euros
  • Family income up to 10,000 euros

Save for vulnerable households: Grant amounts

According to the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Environment, the maximum subsidy rate is 75% in the case of owner-occupation by the applicant and 65% in the case of free concession to another person or rental, respectively.

New “Save”: Eligible expenses

Eligible expenses concern five main categories namely:

  • Replacement of frames
  • Installing/upgrading thermal insulation
  • Heating/cooling system upgrade
  • Domestic hot water systems with RES
  • Installation of intelligent management system

VAT must be declared separately on the documents.

Save: Documents and application

Funding applications are submitted only electronically and compulsorily through the information system of the official website of the program (When submitting the application, it is not necessary to present a physical folder with supporting documents. The necessary supporting documents are attached by the candidate electronically.

For each eligible natural person (for each TIN applicant) and for each eligible residence, it is possible to submit only one application. A residence with an active application in one of the Energy Upgrade Programs, “Home Savings II”, “Save-Autonomous”, “Save 2021” and “Save-Renovate for young people” does not have the right to submit to the B cycle.

An exception is the case of a participating apartment of a “type B” apartment building application of the “Save – Autonomy” Program, for which an application may be submitted as an apartment.

A natural person who has submitted an application in the first cycle of the program, does not have the right to submit in the second cycle.

A residence for which an application has been submitted in the first cycle of the program, it is not allowed to submit an application in the second cycle.

For the submission and monitoring of the project, the interested party must use a Technical Consultant, a natural person, provided that he is an engineer, registered in the Register of Members or in the Book of Technical Names of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), whose cost is covered directly from the program.

After the affiliation decision, the beneficiary is given the opportunity to use the grant advance.

“Save 2023” is subsidized by the Recovery and Resilience Fund. The program aims to improve the energy class of households, by saving more than 30% of primary energy for each beneficiary/residential building, through energy upgrading by at least three energy classes.

It is noted that the costs of the interventions implemented within the framework of the program or part thereof must not have received support from another Fund or financial instrument or from another European or national program, e.g. from actions to replace heating systems with natural gas systems, “Recycle – Change Device” program, etc. In the event that double funding of an intervention is found, the specific expenditure is deemed ineligible.

In the meantime, the initial ranking tables for the applicants from the first round of “Excoionamo 2023” are expected to be announced soon, which will include, as eligible in principle, the total of 31,549 submitted applications, with a total budget of 422.1 million euros.

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