New FGTS with guarantees on deposit corrections

by time news

New FGTS with guarantees for correcting deposits To withdraw the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) there are some situations in which the worker needs to fit in. If the citizen does not have a citizen card or if the withdrawal amount is greater than R$ 1,500, the service must be carried out at Caixa branches.

The most common cases to access the amount is the birthday withdrawal, which grants the worker a portion of his FGTS, every year, in the month of his birthday (as the name implies), in addition to when the worker is fired without just cause.

Monthly correction of value

Another detail is that the worker’s FGTS account balance is corrected every 10th of each month. When requesting the withdrawal, the citizen can request, if he prefers, that the FGTS payment be made after the credit of interest and monetary restatement.

Acquisition or installments of real estate

It is possible to use the FGTS to pay off part of the real estate financing in the Housing Financial System (SFH), which also finances units of up to R$ 1.5 million, with interest limited to 12% per year.

As of August, workers will also be able to use the FGTS to deduct installments of the first property financed with resources from the Real Estate Financing System (SFI) – which finances properties with free resources from banks. The borrower will have the options of using the amount to reduce the outstanding balance of the property or to deduct up to 80% of the installment in 12 months, extendable at the end of each period.

Apply for a loan with FGTS

In this credit option, the worker can subscribe to the anticipation of the birthday withdrawal with a minimum value of R$ 2 thousand. He will be able to anticipate the equivalent of up to three years of the birthday withdrawal and use the FGTS as a guarantee for taking out the credit.

Inheritance FGTS

If a relative of the citizen has died, he can fully receive the FGTS and PIS/Pasep inheritance.

See below the situations in which the worker can use the FGTS:

1- Unjustified dismissal by the employer.

2- Termination of the contract for a specified period.

3- Termination due to bankruptcy, death of the individual employer, domestic employer or nullity of the contract.

4- Termination of the contract due to reciprocal fault or force majeure.

5- Retirement.

6- Personal, urgent and serious need, resulting from a natural disaster caused by rains or floods that have reached the worker’s area of ​​residence, when the emergency situation or the state of public calamity is thus recognized, by means of an ordinance of the Federal Government .

7- Suspension of Single Work.

8-Decease of the worker.

9- Age equal to or greater than 70 years.

10- Person with HIV/AIDS (worker or dependent).

11- Malignant neoplasm (worker or dependent).

12- Terminal stage due to serious illness (worker or dependent).

13- Permanence of the worker holding the linked account for three uninterrupted years outside the FGTS regime, with removal from 07/14/1990.

14- Permanence of the escrow account for three uninterrupted years without crediting deposits, whose removal from the worker occurred until 07/13/1990, inclusive.

15- Acquisition of a home, liquidation or amortization of debt or payment of part of the housing finance installments. Source IstoÉ

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