New government: 14 reappointed ministers and 13 new ones (…)

by time news

2024-08-23 07:41:28

14 ministers were reappointed from the former Christian Ntsay government, mainly in charge of ministries of national sovereignty. In fact, Andry Rajoelina would prefer to re-appoint the judges he has experience and in whom he trusts to implement the General Policy of the State.

The Minister of Armed Forces, Lala Monja Delphin Sahivelo has been reappointed to her post as has Rasata Rafaravavitavika who returns to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rindra Hasimbelo Rabarinirinarison, to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Naina Andriantsitohaina, to the Ministry of Decentralization and Regional Planning, Marie Michelle Sahondrarimalala at the Ministry of National Education, Olivier Jean-Baptiste at the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons, Max Andonirina Fontaine at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Herindrainy Olivier Rakotomalala at the Ministry of Mines, Tsimanaoraty Paubert Mahatante at the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, the Professor Zely Arivelo Randriamanantany at the Ministry of Public Health, Police Chief General Herilala Rakotoarimanana at the Ministry of Public Security, Manambahoaka Valéry Ramonjavelo at the Ministry of Transport and Meteorology, Hanitra Fithiana Razakabaona at the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Civil Service and Lieutenant-General Andriantsarafara Andriamitovy Rakotondrazaka.

The new faces, at least within the current team of Christian Ntsay, number 13. Benjamin Alexis Rakotomandimby appointed as the new Keeper of the Seals at the Ministry of Justice. François Sergio Hajarison has been appointed head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Richard Théodore Rafidison to Public Works, Viviane Dewa to Tourism and Crafts, and Stéphanie Delmotte in the field of Digital Development, Posts and Telecommunications. Lalaina Andrianamelasoa heads the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

Niritsoa Harinandrasana Rahajavololoniaina has been appointed Minister of the Interior, and Chaminah Loulla will be responsible for Higher Education and scientific research. Marie Marcelline Rasoloarisoa has been named Minister of Technical Education and Vocational Training, while David Ralambofiringa will oversee the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Aurélie Razafinjato keeps her job in the Ministry of Population, and Abdulah Marson Moustapha will be the new Minister of Youth and Sports. Finally, Volamiranty Donna Mara was appointed Minister of Communications and Culture.

These appointments show a desire to modernize and align with current socio-political expectations, and the government aspires to better respond to contemporary challenges. With this new team, the country could see a relaunch of initiatives in different sectors, aligning government priorities with the needs of the population.

Two Secretaries of State are added to the Presidency with these 27 Ministers, namely the one in charge of New Cities and Housing, Gérard Andriamanohisoa and the one in charge of Food Sovereignty, Tahina Razanamahefa.

#government #reappointed #ministers

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