New government! – This is important to Germans in 2022 – domestic politics

by time news

There has never been so much crisis when a new government took office!

Omikron threatens to drive up the number of corona infections, Russia is becoming more and more aggressive, inflation makes life more expensive. And the traffic light has big plans, its plans recorded on 178 pages of coalition agreement. BamS wanted to know: What are the most important issues for citizens that the government will have to tackle in 2022?

Result of the opinion research institute INSA in the query of a total of 20 topics (2004 respondents this and last week): The top topic remains the fight against the corona pandemic.

► 61 percent see it as the most important topic and do not want to have to go through a third Corona year. Linked to this: combating the nursing emergency. 56 percent see this as one of the most important issues, third place.

► Interesting: The introduction of mandatory vaccinations are only 35 percent (eleventh place) among the most important topics of 2022.

► In addition to the pandemic, citizens are concerned about their own money: securing pensions (60 percent, 2nd place), the creation of affordable housing (56 percent, 4th place), an end to the energy price explosions (51 percent, 5th place) and an increase in the minimum wage (42 percent, rank 8).

► Noticeable: With the fight against climate change, a previous top topic is slipping down (46 percent, sixth place).

INSA boss Hermann Binkert: “The respondents’ direct, concrete concern about their own existence comes before the often more abstract concern about the consequences of climate change.”

► Traditionally far behind is the financial strengthening of the Bundeswehr at 14 percent. The threat from Russia does not change that.

61 percent fight against the corona pandemic

Top value in the BILD am SONNTAG topic ranking: There is nothing people in Germany hope for as much as an end to the corona pandemic. In the first few months of the traffic lights, all headlights are therefore on Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (58, SPD). He has to prove that he can not only warn but also act.

60 percent security of the pension

Securing pensions is the second most important topic for people in Germany, just behind Corona. Noticeable: 70 percent of 50 to 59-year-olds state that politics absolutely have to tackle the pension issue. Reason: The baby boomers are about to retire and are worried about their retirement benefits.

56 percent combat the long-term care emergency

The pandemic relentlessly exposed the nursing care crisis in Germany. In the fourth wave, many intensive care beds remained unoccupied because the necessary staff was lacking. A bottleneck is also looming in the care of the elderly. The next major construction site for Health Minister Lauterbach.

56 percent creation of affordable housing

Housing prices are exploding, especially in cities. A square meter for rent in Munich costs 18.48 euros and 15.75 euros in Frankfurt / M. With prices per square meter of up to 7898 euros (Frankfurt), only the richest can buy. The traffic light wants to tackle the problem, has appointed Klara Geywitz (45, SPD) its own building minister.

51 percent limit on the rise in energy prices

This winter is going to be expensive: Millions of households received mail from their energy supplier last year. Content: Price increases for electricity and gas averaging 40 percent. The traffic light has promised a remedy and wants to abolish the EEG surcharge – but not until 2023. The big BILD on the SONNTAG ranking shows: People want action to be taken now.

46 percent fight against climate change

Formerly a top topic, now in the middle: combating global climate change. The Greens want to promote it in all ministries. Interesting: The older respondents (60 plus) in particular are worried about the climate, 56 percent see it as one of the most important issues. In contrast, it is only 38 percent of the U-30s.

43 percent better equipment in schools

There is a lack of laptops and tablets, teachers do not even have an e-mail address at the school and many classrooms have ancient furnishings from the 1990s. Like a magnifying glass, the pandemic exposed the problems in schools. This cannot go on like this, say a majority of those questioned.

New government !: This is important to Germans in 2022
Photo: BILD

14 percent financial strengthening of the armed forces

At the beginning of 2021, Ex-Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (59, CDU) warned: The Bundeswehr is underfunded and not adequately prepared for the challenges ahead. Nevertheless, only a small proportion of Germans see better financing as an important project.

11 percent legalization of cannabis

The traffic light releases the hemp! Cannabis should not only be allowed to be sold for medicinal purposes, but also for pleasure. Not an important project, judge the voters and ban cannabis legalization to the penultimate place. The project met with somewhat more approval among 18 to 29-year-olds (18 percent).

11 percent funding for electromobility

For politics it is one of the huge issues, the voters, however, are in no hurry: Germany should switch to electric, its combustion engines (currently 46 million) should soon be a thing of the past. But: The switch to electromobility takes last place in the large BILD am SONNTAG ranking.


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