New ‘Governor’ of Chechnya in Germany: Tensions Rise as Kadyrow’s Influence Expands

by time news


As of: 11.09.2024 05:07 AM

The ruler of Chechnya, Kadyrov, apparently has a new “governor” in Germany. According to security authorities, this man is known based on information from BR and rbb24 Recherche. He himself claims to be “apolitical.”

Ramsan Kadyrov, a close associate of Putin and the ruler of Chechnya, is known for his publicly brutal gestures. He has called for the consideration of using nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war. He referred to the region once occupied by Soviet troops in East Germany as territory of Russia that must be retaken. He acts harshly against his own countrymen—also abroad. About 50,000 Chechens live in Germany alone.

Outside of Russia, Kadyrov is represented by so-called “governors.” According to information from BR and rbb24 Recherche, he allegedly installed a new “governor” in Germany a few months ago.

His name is Sajhan Agaev, civil name Hussein Agaev, and according to the commercial register, he lives in Hamburg. On his Instagram page, he presents himself as a “fitness model” and “freestyle” wrestler. Furthermore, he portrays himself as a confidant of Kadyrov and his leadership clique. Agaev has more than 80,000 followers.

Agaev’s advice is “very sought after”

In response to inquiries from rbb24 Recherche and BR, he denies any political activities. His lawyer states: “Mr. Agaev is known to be a former professional athlete and is currently a businessman and a devoted family man.” Moreover, according to the lawyer, he is a “strong personality.”

His advice and opinion are highly sought after within and outside the Chechen community. Additionally, his client is “neither politically active” nor does he “hold a political position.” However, his lawyer does not address questions about whether he is indeed Kadyrov’s “governor” in Germany and what this function entails.

Presented as a representative of the Chechen diaspora

Is Agaev really just a sought-after member of the Chechen community in Germany—without political functions? An Instagram video from early March 2024 shows him at the so-called Chechen “People’s Congress” in connection with the upcoming presidential election in Russia.

It is an interview with the channel Grosny-TV, which spreads propaganda of the Chechen regime. In the video, Agaev states that Chechens are proud of their president Kadyrov’s achievements and that developments in Chechnya are being followed with great attention in Germany. In the accompanying text of the video, Agaev is introduced as a representative of the Chechen “diaspora” in Germany.

The Kadyrov system

Emil Aslan from the Institute of Security Studies at Charles University in Prague has been researching Kadyrov and his followers abroad for some time. In his assessment, the Chechen president relies on people like Agaev to control the diaspora. This is also linked to Kadyrov’s character traits, according to Aslan.

“Kadyrov is very proud. He does not accept criticism. He does not want people to speak out against what he does,” says Aslan, whose area of expertise is international security, in an interview with BR and rbb24 Recherche. 

The Kadyrov regime is considered particularly brutal. The Foreign Office also assumes that the regime uses the means of “collective punishment.” Diplomats rely on findings from local human rights organizations. Relatives of opposition “foreign Chechens” are reportedly imprisoned in Chechnya. Torture is said to be commonplace.

Machinery of control

For monitoring Chechens at home and abroad, Kadyrov’s “envoys” or “governors” in Western Europe are particularly important, explains Emil Aslan. In the interview, he talks about a “large machinery of control established with Putin’s blessing.” It is in Russia’s interest that there is peace in the Chechen communities of Western Europe.

The individuals that Kadyrov sends to the West are also part of Russia’s intelligence strategy. “All of these people must collaborate with Russian intelligence services,” asserts Aslan.

In response to a question from rbb24 Recherche and BR about whether the claim that he collects information as a “governor” is true, Agaev’s lawyer does not respond. The question of whether and to which authority information might be forwarded remains unanswered.

“Relevant person” for German security authorities

According to information from BR and rbb24 Recherche, German security authorities consider Agaev a so-called “relevant person.” “Relevant” means that individuals are assessed by the authorities as potentially posing a danger to public safety.

This assessment is shared by Hans-Jakob Schindler, Senior Director of the international non-profit organization “Counter Extremism Project.” In his view, Kadyrov’s so-called “governors” are also closely linked to Russian security authorities.

Agaev’s lawyer does not address questions regarding this. Schindler assumes that the system is part of what is called “hybrid warfare.” “This is such a broad approach by the Russians, who really see this as part of their overall warfare strategy. And Kadyrov and his people are part of that,” explains Schindler in the interview.

Praise for Kadyrov

In his social media activities, Agaev repeatedly emphasizes that he associates with Kadyrov’s closest confidants. Many of them are sanctioned by the UN and the EU for supporting the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine.

This includes the Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic, Abuzaid Vismuradov – for Agaev, one of the “most loyal partners of the head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov.” In an Instagram post, Agaev states that Vismuradov makes “an invaluable contribution to maintaining peace and order in the Chechen Republic.”

Apparently no travel restrictions

How close Agaev is to the Chechen ruler Kadyrov is demonstrated not only by a YouTube video from 2018 showing Ramsan Kadyrov attending Agaev’s son’s wedding. On social networks, Agaev also frequently shares photos showing the two men together.

Extremism expert Schindler suspects that the presentation of these images is not done unconsciously or by chance. “Both the Kadyrov-loyal Chechen community and the opposition should know whom Kadyrov trusts, who acts in his interest, and that no one really should feel safe from Kadyrov even in Germany.”

That Agaev has a special role is also shown by his travels documented on Instagram. The Ukraine war and travel restrictions seem to be irrelevant to him. A request as to why his travel activities between Germany and Russia have not been curtailed and why he has not been sanctioned like those close to Kadyrov remained unanswered by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Meeting with a peace judge

Agaev’s importance was already evident in 2020. In severe clashes between a known Arabic clan and Chechens, eleven people were injured in Berlin due to stabbings, blows, and kicks. At a mediation meeting with a so-called “peace judge,” Agaev was also present. This is evidenced by a photo that BR and rbb24 Recherche have. The Tagesspiegel was the first to report on this.

For extremism expert Schindler, this episode is primarily related to the “power structures” that are built in a sort of parallel society: “We are here—and the rules do not concern us. And we do not allow any police in our lives.” It is about “a segregation of these criminal structures from normal society, from the judiciary.” In this context, Germany is only seen as an “exploitation object,” according to Schindler.

BR & rbb24, tagesschau, 11.09.2024 06:00 AM

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