New health information on Thuisarts – ICT&health

by time news

More than 1400 texts (situations) about a wide range of medical complaints and disorders can now be consulted on The number of specialist medical texts with reliable health information is now approaching 350. In recent years, the number of visitors to, partly under pressure from the corona pandemic, has risen sharply to more than 6.5 million per month in the first half. year of 2022.

New health information

In addition to the 26 new situations about which specialist medical health information has now been published on, three new choice cards have also been developed, reports the Federation for Medical Specialists, one of the initiators of the site. The medical specialist information relates to subjects from gynaecology, surgery, internal medicine, paediatrics, lung medicine, gastro-intestinal liver medicine, plastic surgery, radiotherapy and rheumatology.

For example, the new texts include four situations that parents with children with diabetes may encounter. In addition, asbestos cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer are also discussed. Also new are texts on medication use by rheumatism patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding, Dupuytren’s disease, PEG probes and mastocytosis.

New choice cards

Also new are the choice cards CIN2 and ‘Nare maternity experience’. CIN2 describes the options for patients who are found to have abnormal tissue after a cervical examination. The ‘Bad birth experience’ selection card provides an overview of the options for self-help, guidance and treatment after a traumatic birth.

The selection card ‘Hernia in the back’ has also been renewed. This helps patients to make the choice between surgery or continuing with medication for the pain.

ICT&health congres 2023

On January 30, 2023, ICT&health will kick off the new healthcare year with the annual large and influential healthcare conference on healthcare transformation.
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