Hyundai had recently announced plans to launch a new micro SUV model in the Indian market. The model will rival the likes of Citroen C3 and Tata Punch. It is also said that this car will be discontinued with the Grand i10 Nios model. The new P1 segment compact SUV model is expected to be available in various powertrain options.
The new Hyundai micro SUV model is likely to be launched in the Indian market by the end of next year or the beginning of 2024. The new micro SUV model is reportedly being developed under the code name Hyundai Ai3 CUV. The new car will be built on the same platform as the Neos and Aura models in India.
In that way, we can expect this car to be available in the engine options offered in the Grand i10 Nios model. Currently, the Hyundai Grand i10 Nios model sold in the Indian market is offered with 1.2 liter NA petrol and 1.0 liter turbo petrol engines. Upon launch, this model will be Hyundai’s cheapest SUV.
Expect the new Hyundai car to offer features like a larger infotainment system, wireless charging, semi-digital instrument console, automatic climate control, push button start, Hyundai Blue Link, cooled storage console, electric ORVM.