Qualcomm is set to unveil its latest chipset, the Snapdragon 8s Elite, which is expected to succeed the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 launched last year. Recent leaks suggest that the Snapdragon 8s Elite will deliver impressive performance,achieving an estimated score of around 2 million on AnTuTu,positioning it as a strong competitor against devices powered by the snapdragon 8 gen 3,albeit approximately 20% less powerful than the Snapdragon 8 Elite. Unlike its elite counterpart, the Snapdragon 8s elite will reportedly feature a primary Cortex-X4 core along with A720 cores, rather than the new Oryon cores. Major smartphone manufacturers, including Xiaomi, Honor, iQOO, and OPPO, are anticipated to release devices featuring this new chipset, with launches expected as early as April 2025, following an official announcement likely in March or April.
Time.news Editor: Welcome, and thank you for joining us to discuss Qualcomm’s upcoming chipset, teh Snapdragon 8s Elite. This chipset is generating quite a buzz. What can you tell us about its expected performance?
Expert: Certainly! The Snapdragon 8s Elite is poised to be a significant upgrade in the sub-premium segment,with impressive performance metrics. Recent leaks indicate it’s expected to achieve an estimated score of around 2 million on AnTuTu, making it a formidable competitor against devices running on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, although it may be about 20% less powerful then the Snapdragon 8 Elite itself. It’s an exciting progression for Qualcomm as they position this new chipset effectively within the smartphone market.
Time.news Editor: That’s impressive, but can you clarify the architectural differences? How dose the Snapdragon 8s Elite differ from its predecessors?
Expert: Definately. The most notable architectural change in the Snapdragon 8s Elite is in its core arrangement. It will feature a primary Cortex-X4 core along with several A720 cores.Unlike the Snapdragon 8 Elite, which sports the cutting-edge Oryon cores, the Snapdragon 8s Elite opts for the more established Cortex architecture. This means while users can expect solid performance, the pinnacle of Qualcomm’s innovations, represented by the Oryon cores, will be reserved for their elite lineup[1[1[1[1].
Time.news Editor: Given these specifications, which smartphone manufacturers are expected to adopt the Snapdragon 8s Elite? Should consumers be excited?
Expert: Absolutely. Major players in the smartphone industry, including Xiaomi, Honor, iQOO, and OPPO, are reportedly preparing to release devices featuring the Snapdragon 8s Elite. With anticipated launches as early as April 2025, following an official announcement by qualcomm likely in march or April, this chipset will provide a solid option for users looking for performance without going full premium[2[2[2[2]. For consumers,this means exciting new devices that balance performance and cost,catering to a wider market segment.
Time.news Editor: It’s clear that the Snapdragon 8s Elite is important for both manufacturers and consumers! What practical advice would you give to potential buyers looking at phones powered by this new chipset?
Expert: for potential buyers, I recommend keeping an eye on the performance benchmarks and reviews that will emerge post-launch. The Snapdragon 8s Elite is designed to offer a compelling balance of power and efficiency while remaining competitively priced. Additionally, prioritizing features that align with their specific needs—like gaming capabilities, camera performance, or battery life—will help customers make informed decisions. It’s also wise to compare devices from different manufacturers to find the best value[3[3[3[3].
Time.news Editor: Thank you for the insights! It sounds like Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8s Elite could shake up the market and offer great options to consumers. We appreciate your time today.
Expert: Thank you for having me. I’m excited to see how the market responds to this new chipset!