“New Love”: The dirty trick of an era is a brilliant move

by time news

Last night, another episode of the second season of “New Love” aired on Network 13, which tries to give a fight to the successful matchmaking reality of “Wedding at First Sight”. “New Love” is a lighter, more popular, less complex, less challenging matchmaking reality show, and therefore also less quality and interesting than its competitor.

Perhaps because of her casting which is mostly extreme and folk full of spices that are not felt because they contradict each other in taste. Instead of seeing the mix of beauty and delicacy and complexity that is slowly forged in an intimate relationship between two couples who have been matched as in “Khatunmi”, we watch an extreme game of participants, making a lot of noise and ringing and revealing all the cards from the beginning. At the head of them, of course, are the couple Dana and Idan, as well as Michael, who makes cheap provocations because of an inflated ego.

Nothing in the show feels real and authentic to me, and on the other hand smells like a failed game in front of the camera lenses. Not the never-ending quarrels between Michael and Shani and the hate-love relationship between them that arouses me, not Shani’s never-ending criticism of her partner’s hiccups and not Idan and his new crush on Shani, which we will soon dwell on as well. I must exclude Or Kochavi, the new choice of Al Adida, who joined last season for the season, and gives the impression of something believable and real that you want to see how his closed character develops and opens from chapter to chapter.

What did happen last night, specifically in “New Love”, is a precedent that has never happened in any matchmaking program – a contestant who publicly and explicitly expresses the feeling of missing out that he is marrying one participant and not another. This is Idan, who is in a relationship with Dana, and last night he tried, without being confused, his luck with Shani Golan while his partner went to empty the bathroom.

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It all happened during a joint dinner of the couples as part of the task of choosing the clothes for the couple. Idan took advantage of the momentum in which Shani seemed dissatisfied with her partner Michael, and described to her how frustrated he was with Dana and how much she was supposed to be the right match for him.

On the face of it a dirty and disgusting ploy, but it’s a brilliant move that breathed some life into yesterday’s episode. And if Shani had responded to Idan’s offer, in general we would have had a great revelry of Dana’s giddy scenes that would spawn a juicy women’s rivalry. This is a script that could have become the real thing in the couples show that does not seem to spawn new loves.

But Shani, who came from a religious home, not only did not respond to Idan’s offer, but wondered whether she should share Dana to open her eyes to her fake relationship or keep it to herself and not interfere with spouses and create unnecessary conflicts. On the face of it a difficult decision for her. Any step you choose to take will stabilize her in a line of fire. Finally Shani chose a thunderous silence, and a silly quarrel scene between her and Michael captured an entire episode that ended in fake kisses and tears.

But from the promo of the next episode, it seems that the silence will be broken in the first marital crisis of Dana and Idan. Will Shani bring out in her face all the ugly truth?

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