New mandate survey: Lapid is getting stronger at the expense of his partners

by time news

2022 election: Four for the elections to the 25th Knesset, and on the last day the last polls of some of the media are published in preparation for the ban on publishing polls three days before the elections. A new mandate survey published this morning (Friday) in ‘Maariv’ and conducted by the Panels Politics Institute headed by Menachem Lazar, examined what the results would be if the elections were held today.

According to the results, the Netanyahu bloc receives 60 mandates, and the Lapid bloc wins 56 mandates. Yesh Atid grows stronger and receives 25 mandates at the expense of Lieberman and the Labor led by Merav Michaeli, which is approaching the blocking percentage. The Jewish Home Party led by Ayelet Shaked is indeed showing an upward trend, but is still far from passing the threshold.

Mandate survey of Maariv and Mako and the Palance Institute (Menachem Lazar):

  • Likud – 31
  • There is a future – 25
  • Religious Zionism – 14
  • The state camp – 12
  • Shas – 9
  • Torah Judaism – 6
  • Israel Beytinu – 6
  • March -5
  • The work – 4
  • Rem – 4
  • Hadash-Ta’al- 4

According to the division into blocs, the Netanyahu bloc stands at 60 mandates while the bloc led by the current Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, is getting stronger and receives 56 mandates. As mentioned, the Arab parties, Hadash – Ta’al, with 4 mandates.

As mentioned, the Jewish Home party led by Ayelet Shaked still does not pass the percentage of obstruction and it wins 2.1%. Economic freedom led by Abir Kara 0.7%. Balad, which was disqualified from running in the elections, receives 1.8%. The Economic Party led by Yaron Zlikha drops and receives 1.2%. Hadar is crowned with 0.3%.

A loss for Likud: the organization they fear won in the election committee

Loss to the Likud party in the election committee: Against the background of the concern in the left bloc and the Arab parties about the low number of voters that could decide the elections, there are left organizations that are trying to encourage voting and increase the percentage of participation in the elections in Arab society. Two of these organizations are ‘Moving’ and ‘Standing Together’.

Likud Photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90

The Likud party does not like the activities of the left-wing organizations and claim that their whole purpose is to incite voters against the Likud and directly harm the party. Likud submitted a complaint to the election committee requesting to declare the organizations an ‘active organization’ and to prevent their activities around the elections.

The Election Commission ruled against the Likud

The complaint came up for discussion at the election committee. The committee rejected the party’s request and accepted the arguments of both organizations. “Yesterday, the Central Election Committee rejected out of hand the Likud petition against us,” the Zazim organization wrote, adding “after failing to prove that Zazim is an active body in the elections. The petition, like other moves in the same direction, came with the intention of silencing us.”

The meeting of the senior officials and the pressure from election day

Kipa News has learned that at a meeting held last night in preparation for election day, in which a number of senior members of the Knesset participated, including Dodi Amsalem, Ofir Katz, Miki Zohar, Shlomo Karai and Danny Danon, along with some of the campaign staff, a significant concern arose that the ‘Victory 22’ application, which was designed to increase the percentage of The vote will collapse, which will result in the loss of masses of voters and possibly the loss of the Likud. At the same time, optimistic messages are being heard from the Likud headquarters, where there are estimates that they will win on election night. Netanyahu’s bloc will reach 61.

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