New mandate survey: Religious Zionism is declining, the right-wing bloc has lost its majority

by time news

Despite the upheavals in the government in the last two days, with the resignation of Shani Parosh and Mouz, and the beginning of cracks in the coalition when the Otzma Yehudit party boycotted a vote, Netanyahu tried to calm the spirits: “The government will fulfill its days.” However, a new survey published this evening (Tuesday), conducted by Manu Geva and News 12, shows that the Netanyahu government is losing support and according to the results of the survey, it is losing mandates to the left bloc. In a survey conducted yesterday on a competing channel, similar results were obtained.

The release of the survey comes a day after a series of murderous attacks in which 3 people were murdered, while in the background mass protests and riots continue every week against the legal reform that the government is promoting, as well as the economic consequences of that protest and the opposition’s resolute opposition to any meaningful dialogue on the issue.

The right-wing bloc has 59 mandates, the left-wing bloc 56

Likud – 29
There is a future – 26
The state camp – 14
Religious Zionism – 12
Shas – 11
Torah Judaism-7
Israel Beytinu – 6
Ra’am – 6
Hadash – Ta’al – 5
MRC – 4

Below the blocking percentage:

The work 2.8% – does not pass the blocking percentage

At 2% – does not exceed the blocking percentage

Smotrich and Ben Gvir lose height Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

Likud and Otzma Yehudit lose 2 seats

As mentioned, according to the results of the survey, the Likud leads with 29 mandates but decreases in number compared to the 32 it received in the last elections, the mandates it loses to the Yesh Atid party, which is strengthened by two mandates and rises to 26, and to the state camp – 14, which is also strengthened by two additional mandates. Religious Zionism and Jewish Power are also weakened by two mandates.

The ultra-orthodox parties retain the same number of mandates as they received in the last elections – Shas 11, Torah Judaism 7. Likewise, the Israel Beitenu party remains with 6 mandates. The United Arab List strengthens by 1 mandate – 6, Hadash Ta’al remains with 5 mandates .

Chairman Meretz Zehava Galon. Photo: Kipa

A surprise on the left – a police officer is going up in the workplace

A surprising change is that the Maraz party passes the blocking percentage with 4 mandates, compared to the results of the last elections, and in contrast the Labor party falls below the blocking percentage with 2.8 percent. The Balad party is also below the blocking percentage.

The results of the survey by blocks:

59 mandates for the Netanyahu supporters bloc

56 opponents of Netanyahu

5 Hadash Ta’al

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