New mandate survey: Smotrich does not pass the percentage of blocking

by time news

2022 election: Yesterday (Tuesday) the preliminary elections for the religious Zionist movement took place. With the announcement of the results of the primaries, the chairman of religious Zionism stated that his hand is extended to unity with Ben Gabir. The chairman of Otzma Yehudit responded by saying that “religious Zionism has chosen a list of members that will not bring votes”. According to a mandate survey conducted by Meno Geva for News 12, it appears that if the elections were held today, with the participation of the current parties, this is the status of the mandates:

The full picture of the mandates:

  • Likud – 34
  • There is a future – 23
  • Blue and White HaTikwa Al-Hadid – 13
  • Otzma Yehudit – 9
  • Shas – 8
  • Torah Judaism – 7
  • March – 6
  • The work – 5
  • The joint list – 5
  • Rem – 5
  • Israel our home – 5
  • Religious Zionism – 2.8%
  • The spirit of Zionism -1.8%

According to the results of the poll, the Netanyahu group has 58 seats and the Lapid group has 57 seats. A surprising figure shows that Itamar Ben Gabir once again overtakes Smotrich and receives no less than nine seats with Otzma Yehudit. Religious Zionism sinks below the blocking percentage along with the Zionist spirit. If Smotrich and Ben Gvir come to an agreement and run together, they will win eleven mandates and increase Netanyahu’s bloc to 59.

Survey of mandates of Khan News and Dodi Hasid:

  • Likud-33
  • There is a future – 22
  • The state camp – 14
  • Otzma Yehudit – 8
  • Shas – 8
  • Torah Judaism – 7
  • March – 5
  • The work – 5
  • Israel Beytinu – 5
  • The joint list – 5
  • Religious Zionism – 4
  • Rem – 4
  • The Zionist spirit – 2.2%

According to the results of the survey, the Netanyahu bloc stands at 60 mandates and the Lapid bloc also stands at 60. In this survey too, Ben Gabir bypasses Smotrich and receives eight mandates with Otzma Yehudit. Religious Zionism scrapes the block percentage with four mandates. The spirit of Zionism does not pass the blocking percentage.

Survey of mandates of News 14 and Direct Falls:

  • Likud – 35
  • There is a future – 22
  • Blue and White HaTikva HaShed – 12
  • Religious Zionism – 10
  • Shas – 9
  • Torah Judaism – 7
  • The joint list – 6
  • Israel our home – 6
  • The work – 5
  • March – 4
  • Rem – 4
  • The Zionist Spirit -2.1%

In the survey, the respondents were asked about the degree of suitability for the position of Prime Minister: 48% of the respondents answered that Benjamin Netanyahu is suitable for the position. Only 28% answered that Prime Minister Yair Lapid is suitable for the position and only 20% answered that in their opinion Benny Gantz is the right person. 4% of the respondents replied that they had not yet decided.

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