New NATO strategic plan: the great return of old tensions

by time news β€” In a Madrid under siege, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived on Tuesday. The summit of heads of state itself will take place on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 June. More than 5,000 delegates are already present, conforming more than 40 delegations. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will appear on Wednesday, as part of one of his usual motivational videoconferences, during any event of some relevance, especially if it is NATO. Ukraine will also be present in all its hyperbolic strength. kyiv Orchestra for the official ceremonies, omnipresent blue and yellow flag, that goes without saying.

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This summit sets out the new “Strategic Concept of the Transatlantic Alliance”, ie its roadmap for the next decade. Unsurprisingly, he fixes Russia as the main threat, but China is also named. According to Stoltenberg, “Our new concept will lead us into an era of strategic competence. It will be made clear that the allies view Russia as the most significant and direct threat to our security and China and Beijing’s challenges to our security will be mentioned. interests and values ​​for the first time. It will also cover our plans for other threats and challenges, such as terrorism, cyberattacks, and hybrid attacks.”

By hybrid attack, in theory, it would be a question of jihadism, irregular immigration, energy blackmail. By energy blackmail, understand that the person who sets the embargo or makes it impossible to pay for imported goods finds it normal to attribute responsibility for the deficiency thus generated to the person who is unable to deliver. It’s aimed at Russia and maybe Algeria.

As the communication context is undermined by the wholesale adherence to the official narrative on the one hand, and to the caricatured anti-Atlanticist postures of the 80s on the other, it is difficult to know what the defense departments of the Member States will come to consider as “hybrid warfare” and the extension to which this very concept Newspeak will lend.

Within the framework of the doctrine of all-out prevention, which imposed itself in the countries of the northern hemisphere, from the end of the 1990s, resulting in the action of the forces of order not waiting the commission of the offense to intervene on citizens who are not only presumed innocent, but innocent in general, the notion of freedom has lost ground in favor of that of control. This NATO summit comes after thirty years of successive restrictions on individual freedoms, without ever returning to the ante status. Sometimes in the name of a security policy based on a real threat, such as the fight against terrorism, sometimes on a subject as dystopian as that of the health crisis, in the context of which the notion of this internal enemy that would be the presumed patient has established itself. From now on, the whole of the security doctrine focuses on the fantasy of a Russia which would have the intention of swallowing up Europe whole.

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Another important subject, which will be discussed during this summit, is the case of the security of NATO’s southern flank and threats from the Sahelian zone. In particular with regard to the revolts of hunger due to the situation created by the boycotts and embargoes on Russia, as well as the increase in the cost of energy. These hunger games will not fail to put pressure on the migratory dynamics. This weekend was also marked by the bestial repressive action of Moroccan gendarmes on sub-Sahelian migrants, killing nearly 40 people. These migrants were trying to enter one of Spain’s African enclaves, the city of Melilla. The socialist Pedro Sanchez nevertheless congratulated, without skimping on the dithyramb, “the extraordinary work of the Moroccan security forces”while the images of the piled up corpses were already circulating on all the channels.

Still, this gateway to Europe represents a major security and humanitarian challenge. NATO has created the conditions for a massive influx of migrants, by making Ukraine its holy war, to the detriment of any other strategic parameter. As usual, Europe will toast. Especially Spain, which has long demanded that the NATO umbrella cover the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. If any state fights alone to defend Europe’s borders, it is not Ukraine, but Spain.

However, on these enclaves weighs an ambiguity. The Washington Treaty on which the Alliance is based provides protection to territories in North America and Europe. However, these two cities are in Africa, although Spanish. There is certainly mention of the islands above the Tropic of Cancer, including the Canary Islands, but not of the African enclaves. However, the Cherifian regime has views on these two cities, Spanish centuries before Morocco even existed. Morocco is the United States’ ally par excellence in the region. The relationship between the United States and Morocco, since the advent of Joe Biden, is far superior to that which he maintains with Spain. This, despite the fact that the United States has its oldest military base in Europe in Spain, in the city of Rota.

In this context, curbing the question of the security of the southern flank, which has everything to do with Morocco, is almost impossible. It would be for this NATO of 2022, with this type of political personnel, to shoot itself in the foot. True, Stoltenberg said that if Spain were attacked at any of their points, the defense would be automatic. But it is possible that this decision will not go through him, but through Washington, and that by threat from the south, the United States means Algeria and not Morocco. If the United States had to choose between Morocco and Spain, it would choose the former.

This is the second NATO summit in Spain. The first was in 1997. At the time, the Secretary General was Javier Solana. NATO was preparing to integrate the countries of the former Warsaw Pact into its alliance, but Solana and Yevgueni Primakov had signed, on May 27 of that same year, the Founding Act of Mutual Cooperation between NATO and Russia, so that these integrations (from 1999) are not perceived as destabilizing factors for the new Russia. It was the swan song of diplomacy.

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Between 1997 and 2022, NATO lost all the wars in which it engaged. The United States has created a hybrid threat precisely through its “peace intervention missions”, by carpet bombing in Iraq; in Syria, by arming dozens of jihadist groups; by throwing millions of war refugees on the roads of exile and, if it had not been for the intervention of Russia, they would have transferred the chemical arsenal of Damascus into the hands of terrorist groups. the leadership Russia, during this intermediate phase, is a humiliation for the West, which is being paid for today by this new doctrine, which is nothing other than a return to a war, hotter than cold, but in which not one Western soldier does not put himself in danger.

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