New Online Platform Offers Effective Non-Drug Treatment for Chronic Insomnia: Learn to Sleep

by time news

2023-06-06 08:11:58

Editorial Medicalfacts/ Janine Budding 06 June 2023 – 07:36

Learning Sleeping Platform bundles knowledge for the treatment of chronic insomnia (insomnia)

Last week Leerslapen went live, the online platform for healthcare professionals with tools for the treatment of patients with insomnia. The platform makes the evidence-based treatment – ​​Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) – accessible to everyone by offering training to primary care professionals. Learning to sleep helps them to make a better diagnosis and to use non-pharmacological treatment themselves (in accordance with NHG guidelines) in order to give patients the best perspective sooner.

The platform is managed by the Center for Sleep Medicine Kempenhaeghe. It was set up in collaboration with the VU University Amsterdam (VU), Sleeping street and the Brain Foundation.

About 10% of Dutch adults suffer from chronic insomnia. Insomnia affects the quality of life and reduces psychological well-being. In addition, untreated insomnia increases the risk of developing psychopathology such as an anxiety or mood disorder. Insomnia is often not recognized and therefore remains untreated. For a long time it was thought that the sleep problem would disappear by itself if the psychopathology was treated. This is often not the case because people have ended up in a vicious circle of poor sleep.

Effective non-drug treatment accessible to everyone

The NHG guideline ‘Sleeping problems and sleeping pills’ states that the treatment of insomnia is preferably non-pharmacological. In practice, however, insomnia is often not recognized and complaints are regularly treated with medication. In an acute phase of a sleep problem, medicines can offer a temporary solution. However, patients are sometimes also referred unnecessarily for all kinds of examinations and go through an unnecessarily long process without addressing the main complaint, poor sleep.

CBT-i is the evidence-based treatment for long-term insomnia. In the long term, the effect is better than sleeping medication. Many GPs realize the importance of non-pharmacological treatment, but do not have the time or all the knowledge to provide it themselves. Somnologist-sleep therapist Dr. Ingrid Verbeek: “With Leerslapen we offer general practitioners an alternative to treatment with sleep medication. The Practice Supporter General Practitioners GGZ (POH-GGZ) plays an important role in this. More patients can access CBT-i via the platform. This makes good sleep care accessible to everyone in the Netherlands.”

Platform with tools

Learning to sleep offers:

· CGT-i refresher course: practical (online and on location) training for insomnia

learn to better recognize and apply CBT-i. With its own case

discussion under the guidance of an experienced somnologist/sleep therapist of


· i-Sleep: online treatment CBT-i for patients. The patient receives this

support from a professional such as the POH-GGZ, a psychologist or

nurse practitioner (US).

· Supporting Materials: help cards, relaxation exercises,

sleep diary and other resources to monitor treatment with the patient


Good results

The tools offered have been tested by the partners involved. The online treatment with i-Sleep has been researched and proven to be effective. The CBT-i online refresher course was tested by POH-GGZ of Huisartsen Oostelijk Zuid-Limburg. Participants appeared to be enthusiastic about the approach and content.

How does it work?

The online training and access to online treatment with i-Sleep are offered at low cost on Leersleeping. Supporting materials are available free of charge. Help maps can be downloaded for example. The online training is accredited for POH-GGZ and VS. The on-site training courses are accredited for psychologists, POH-GGZ and VS.

Better diagnosis and treatment, potentially fewer referrals

“Leerssleep fits in well with our mission to disseminate expertise,” says Paul Berger, director of Cure Kempenhaeghe. “That fits in with the role we play as an expertise center in the healthcare field. By providing referrers with more knowledge about sleep problems in an accessible manner, people are better equipped, the number of referrals to secondary care will decrease and patients will be offered the best perspective sooner.”

Unique collaboration

Leerslapen is a unique collaboration between the Center for Sleep Medicine Kempenhaeghe, VU University Amsterdam and Sleep Street with support from the Hersenstichting. Leersleepen is managed by Kempenhaeghe.

Source: Kempenhaeghe

Editorial Medicalfacts/ Janine Budding

I have specialized in interactive news for healthcare providers, so that healthcare providers are informed every day about the news that may be relevant to them. Both lay news and news specifically for healthcare providers and prescribers. Social Media, Womens Health, Patient advocacy, patient empowerment, personalized medicine & Care 2.0 and the social domain are spearheads for me to pay extra attention to.

I studied physiotherapy and Health Care business administration. I am also a registered independent client support worker and informal care broker. I have a lot of experience in various positions in healthcare, the social domain and the medical, pharmaceutical industry, nationally and internationally. And have broad medical knowledge of most healthcare specialties. And of the care laws from which the care is regulated and financed. Every year I attend most of the leading medical conferences in Europe and America to keep my knowledge up-to-date and to keep up with the latest developments and innovations. Currently I am doing a Masters in Applied Psychology.

My posts on this blog do not reflect the strategy, policy or direction of any employer, nor are they work by or for any client or employer.

#Effective #nondrug #treatment #insomnia #accessible

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