New organization chart of MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN

by time news

2024-09-02 10:16:10

WP_Posi Article (
[ID] => 128339
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2024-09-02 12:16:10
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-09-02 10:16:10
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=””]THE ACTIVITY OF BUSINESS WORDS began in September with the implementation of its new organizational chart, which will take place through the year 2024 and will continue into 2025. The new organization was approved by the General Assembly, which it was born on June 15, and it has. made in accordance with the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028which also received the green light during said Assembly. Them new form of internal organization of the Confederation arose to respond to the goals set out in said plan and to provide unity and support to the goals and important messages contained in this document. “The Strategic Plan 2024-2028 is the compass that will guide the steps of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA in the coming years and it is necessary to update our internal surgery to be able to follow this process of change,” he explained. Nel González ZapicoPresident of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA. The previous organizational structure, revised in 2019, brings to the Confederation a new horizontal organizational structure, based on the exchange of knowledge, on the integration and sum of contributions of all the people who are part of the Confederation, in particular the people with mental health problems. .[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”128340″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_image” css=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””]This new organizational chart answers to the commitment of the organization bet and promote the protection of human rights of people with mental health problems, as well as ensuring that the knowledge becomes a tool of changeinternal and external organizations. “After starting the path to achieve our goal of becoming a Knowledge Management Organization, we see the need to implement that strategy to continue to adapt as a cooperative movement in a changing situation,” said González Zapico. “Although in recent years the visibility of our cause has grown, we need to influence citizens more than ever to remove the discrimination and stigma that many people with mental health problems still suffer,” added the President.

New system structure

The main changes to the established chart, which will begin to develop and take shape soon, are as follows:

  • On the one hand, a new Executive Director joined Change and Knowledge Managementwhose goal will be to manage the knowledge generated by the Confederation, and flow between all areas and associative movement, to promote the processes of change and change.
  • As part of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA’s commitment to focus on human rights, the new Area of ​​Rights Protection and Guidance in Mental Health, whose main purpose will be to promote the State Observatory of Mental Health, Rights and Equality as a key tool for identifying and controlling rights violations, as well as continuing the work of advising residents in need.
  • For its part, the area of ​​Communication, Leadership and Social Impact has been renamed Communication, Art and Social Influence. This community will continue to focus its work on the use of communication tools to make known the reality of people with mental health problems, as well as unite, disseminate and justify the messages of the associative movement. It will also work to strengthen, position and protect the intellectual property of the SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA brand, so that it translates into greater recognition, favor institutional relationships and partnerships and expand advocacy and impact actions.
  • Finally, so far the Projects and Research area is now called Research and project. With this change, relevance is given to research methods as producers of knowledge that promote changes in associative movement and in society.

The areas of People and Organization, Program Development and Quality, and Management and Finance will maintain their current designation. “We will make every new commitment and organizational change under the culture of peace and care. We will promote talent to focus on the coming years, maintaining a lively, innovative and bold strategy,” concluded González Zapico.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_btn title=”VOLVER A NOTICIAS” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_1=”#ffffff” gradient_custom_color_2=”#ffffff” gradient_text_color=”#005b50″ shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-circle-left” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => Human rights, knowledge and well-being, keys in the new organizational chart of ONE HEALTH SPAIN
[post_excerpt] => The Confederation is committed to an institutional model that is consistent with the New Strategic Plan 2024-2028, approved by the General Assembly of the Assembly held last May.
[post_status] => publication
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[post_modified] => 2024-09-02 12:16:10
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-09-02 10:16:10
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Human rights, knowledge and well-being, keys in the new organizational chart of ONE HEALTH SPAIN

The Confederation is committed to an institutional model that is consistent with the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028, approved by the General Assembly held last June.

THE ACTIVITY OF BUSINESS WORDS began in September with the implementation of its new organizational chart, which will take place through the year 2024 and will continue into 2025. The new organization was approved by the General Assembly, which it was born on June 15, and it has. made in accordance with the new Strategic Plan 2024-2028which also received the green light during said Assembly.

Them new form of internal organization of the Confederation arose to respond to the goals set out in said plan and to provide unity and support to the goals and important messages contained in this document. “The Strategic Plan 2024-2028 is the compass that will guide the steps of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA in the coming years and it is necessary to update our internal surgery to be able to follow this process of change,” he explained. Nel González ZapicoPresident of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.

The previous organizational structure, revised in 2019, brings to the Confederation a new horizontal organizational structure, based on the exchange of knowledge, on the integration and sum of the contributions of all the people who are part of the Confederation, in particular the people with mental health problems. .

This new organizational chart answers to the commitment of the organization bet and promote the protection of human rights of people with mental health problems, as well as ensuring that the knowledge becomes a tool of changeinternal and external organizations.

“After starting the path to achieve our goal of becoming a Knowledge Management Organization, we see the need to implement that process to continue to adapt as a cooperative movement in a changing situation,” said González Zapico. “Although in recent years the visibility of our cause has grown, we need to influence citizens more than ever to remove the discrimination and stigma that many people with mental health problems still suffer,” added the President.

New system structure

The main changes to the established chart, which will begin to develop and take shape soon, are as follows:

  • On the one hand, a new Executive Director joined Change and Knowledge Managementwhose goal will be to manage the knowledge generated by the Confederation, and flow between all areas and the associative movement, to promote the processes of change and change.
  • As part of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA’s commitment to focus on human rights, the new Area of ​​Rights Protection and Guidance in Mental Health, whose main purpose will be to promote the State Observatory of Mental Health, Rights and Equality as a key tool for identifying and controlling rights violations, as well as continuing the work of advising residents in need.
  • For its part, the area of ​​Communication, Leadership and Social Impact has been renamed Communication, Art and Social Influence. This community will continue to focus its work on the use of communication tools to make known the reality of people with mental health problems, as well as unite, disseminate and justify the messages of the associative movement. It will also work to strengthen, position and protect the intellectual property of the SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA brand, so that it translates into greater recognition, favor institutional relationships and partnerships and expand advocacy and impact actions.
  • Finally, so far the Projects and Research area is now called Research and project. With this change, relevance is given to research methods as producers of knowledge that promote changes in associative movement and in society.

The areas of People and Organization, Program Development and Quality, and Management and Finance will maintain their current designation. “We will make every new commitment and organizational change under the culture of peace and care. We will promote talent to focus on the coming years, taking care of a lively, innovative and bold strategy,” concluded González Zapico.

#organization #chart #MENTAL #HEALTH #SPAIN

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