New poll: Mandate in trouble, Gantz leaping, Netanyahu running away?

by time news

Bnei Gantz and Gideon Saar (Photo by Jonathan Sindel Olivia Fitoussi Flash 90)

A new News 12 election poll conducted by Mano Geva, once again predicts a strengthening for Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud party alongside the right-wing bloc, which again stands at 60 seats compared to 55 seats for the center / left / Arab bloc.

The Netanyahu-led Likud wins 36 seats, with a second future with 20 seats in total, blue and white in this poll is the third largest party with 10 seats in total, while religious Zionism is still strong with 9 seats in total.

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Shas receives 8 seats in total and Torah Judaism receives 7 seats in total. Work with only 6, while Yisrael Beiteinu, Yemin and Ra’am with only 5 each, just like the joint list that also gets 5. Meretz with 4 seats and Gideon Saar does not pass the blocking percentage.

It should be noted that the Netanyahu bloc strengthened from 51 to 60 per year. No less than 56 percent think the coalition should not exist, 35 percent think it should not. 56 percent against the inclusion of an Arab party in the coalition against only 31 percent.

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