New poll of mandates: Lapid narrows the gap with Netanyahu

by time news

2022 election: 6 days to the elections for the 25th Knesset and a new poll of mandates published this morning (Wed) by the “Sample” institute, managed by Meno Geva for Gali IDF, examined what the results would be if the elections were held today. According to the results, Gush Lapid shows an increase Compared to Netanyahu’s bloc, which drops to 59 seats, religious Zionism with 13 seats, the third largest party in the Knesset, the Jewish Home party led by Ayelet Shaked is far from the blocking percentage.

A survey by the “Sample” Institute, directed by Meno Geva for the IDF Gali:

  • Likud – 31
  • There is a future – 25
  • Religious Zionism and Jewish Power – 13
  • The state camp – 13
  • Shas – 8
  • Torah Judaism – 7
  • Israel Beytinu – 6
  • The work – 5
  • March – 5
  • Hadash-Ta’al – 4
  • Ra’am – 4

As mentioned, according to the division into blocs, the Netanyahu bloc stands at 59 mandates while the bloc led by the current Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, receives 57 mandates. The Arab parties, Hadash – Ta’al, with 4 mandates.

In the meantime, the Jewish Home party led by Ayelet Shaked still does not pass the threshold with 1.8% while Balad, which was disqualified from running in the elections, has 1.4%. The Economic Party led by Yaron is slipping and receiving 1.3%.

“Wake up the territory”: In the future they attack the Arab society

The Yesh Atid party is aware of the question that will decide the Knesset elections, which bloc will vote with higher percentages, the Netanyahu bloc or the Change bloc led by Prime Minister Yair Lapid. The party decided to invest effort in Arab society, which tends to vote at low rates.

Officials in the party say in a conversation with Kifa News that in response to the attempt by the opposition leader, Knesset member Benjamin Netanyahu, to put the area to sleep among the Arab public, Beish Atid recently began an assault on Arab society in order to “wake up the area”. The one who is coordinating the effort is the Deputy Minister of Defense Yoav Seglovitz’s face, but many members of the Knesset and ministers are partners in the move and work in the Arab sector. The parties object and say that they do not encourage voting for the Hadash-Ta’al party.

Voting in Arab society Photo: amal Awad/FLASH90

As part of the effort, Prime Minister Yair Lapid visited the city of Nazareth this morning and met with Mayor Ali Salam and about 20 other heads of Arab authorities. Minister for Social Equality Merav Cohen and Deputy Minister for Homeland Security Yoav Seglovitz also participated in the meeting.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Prime Minister Yair Lapid said: “If your citizens do not go out to vote, they should understand that what was given in the last year will also be taken from them. You are voting with your lives, you are voting for the partnership. I am here out of respect for you, Mr. Mayor, out of respect for you and out of Respect for this partnership.”

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