New powers for Laban Gabir, the demands of the third: what is happening in the coalition meeting

by time news

Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu failed to convince his partners in the new coalition to satisfy the government as early as next Wednesday – without coalition agreements.

According to a report in Israel Hayom, those around Netanyahu insist that his desire to satisfy a government without a conclusion on basic guidelines and legislation does not stem from evading setting a timetable for controversial moves such as the escalation clause, but rather from his desire to replace Lapid and his government as soon as possible.

However, his partners Moshe Gafni, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gabir – firmly refuse.

The last to leave Netanyahu’s office in Ze’ev Citadel in Tel Aviv is Itamar Ben-Gvir. The two were photographed together for the first time. Of all the coalition demands, Netanyahu has no problem with Ben-Gvir’s. He will appoint him Minister of Internal Security, and will probably grant him all the accompanying requirements.

Ben Gvir demands not only budgets, but also a fundamental change of the position – “expanded” internal security, which will have a function similar to the relationship between the Minister of Defense and the IDF.

His associates compare this to the authority that an American mayor has for the municipal police under him: not only outlining general policy and prioritizing orders of forces, but closer management. To that end, the Knesset will have to make legislative changes, which will give Minister Ben Gabir the necessary new powers.

Besides his request to receive the internal security portfolio, Ben Gvir added a demand to receive a significant portfolio – education or transportation for Yitzhak Wasserlof, number 4 on his list, and another smaller portfolio.

Netanyahu suggested to him: “Let’s close matters, establish a government based on positions.” Ben Gvir replied: “No. I want to summarize in advance the reforms that will be introduced.”

In the conversation, the two agreed to start negotiations, most likely as early as Wednesday – and in the round table method, and not necessarily in the negotiations of each party alone with Netanyahu.

Levin hesitates?

Meanwhile, in the legal case – the man with the greatest chances of getting it, apparently gives up the position.

The reason, according to a report in News 13, is that Yariv Levin explains in closed conversations that the plan that he believes should be done in the judicial system is so ambitious – that it will cause the supreme president to threaten or resign from her position, and then – according to the same scenario – Netanyahu will not stand behind him or give him backing, and he will remain alone and absorb the objections. The plan, according to Levin, will not be implemented. At the moment, he is interested in the foreign or treasury portfolio.

However, according to a report in News 12, Levin did not give up the case, and he also demands the superseding clause.

make demands

The main demand of both Torah Judaism and religious Zionism is an override clause with a majority of 61. Netanyahu is not enthusiastic about this, perhaps as a negotiating tactic, but as far as is known Netanyahu intends to allow and approve a override clause with a majority of 61.

Either way, this is an unequivocal requirement of the partnership. According to a report in ‘Khan Haudas’, in a meeting held by members of the Knesset of the Agudath Israel with the Rebbe of Moiznitz, the MKs were told: without a passage of reinforcement there is no government. This is more important than any budget or position because the High Court intervenes in every issue in Judaism.

As a result, the message that Torah Judaism conveyed to Netanyahu was: “We will not advance to coalition agreements – without the passage of overcoming.”

On the other hand, Torah Judaism officials came out against Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri, who supports Netanyahu’s position to sign a full coalition agreement and an escalation clause only after the formation of the government. “It seems that Deri works for Netanyahu or a MK in Likud,” they stung.

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