New proposal – 1,500 euros per month for three years?

by times news cr

Basic ​Income ‍Year: A ⁤Potential Solution ​for a Better‌ Working World?

The Basic Income Network, a non-profit organization⁢ based in Berlin, has ⁣proposed a‍ radical solution ​to ⁤the challenges of⁢ the modern working world: a legal right⁣ to a year-long ​basic income. This would provide individuals with⁤ a guaranteed income of €1,500 per month, regardless of their employment status.

How would it work?

The network suggests financing the ‍program through wealth taxes,⁤ arguing that ⁤those with ⁤high financial ‌increases could contribute more.‌ The estimated annual cost for this initiative is approximately ⁢€124 billion.

Potential​ benefits:

Greater social justice: ​By ensuring a basic income for all, ⁢the ‍proposal promotes‍ a fairer society​ and⁢ reduces financial anxieties.
Improved work-life balance: Regular breaks could prevent burnout and allow people to‌ prioritize personal development or ⁣caregiving.
Increased trust in institutions: The introduction of a guaranteed income could restore⁣ faith ⁢in state organizations and their⁣ ability to ⁢support ‌citizens.
Reduced healthcare ⁢costs: By preventing burnouts and allowing people to ⁤find⁢ more fulfilling jobs, the⁤ basic income year could⁣ potentially reduce healthcare expenses.

Political feasibility:

While the⁣ idea is not yet politically feasible in its entirety, some political⁢ parties, particularly those‌ on⁢ the ⁢left-wing spectrum, have‍ expressed support‌ for a basic income.

Next steps:

The‍ Basic Income Network plans to present their proposal to ‌the Freiburg Institute for Basic ‍Income Studies⁢ for scientific evaluation. They will then⁣ engage in discussions ⁤with political parties, trade unions, and other stakeholders‍ to gain support.

What ⁤do you ⁤think about the basic income year?

The network invites readers to share their opinions‌ by emailing [email protected] with the‌ subject “Basic income year.”

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