New Greece will set record tourist arrivals and revenues in 2024 as the president of the Panhellenic Federation of Hoteliers Yiannis Hatzis pointed out, arguing for a a slight increase compared to 2023.

Already, as he stated speaking to SKYthe increase in air arrivals is running at 12%, while road arrivals exceed 13%.

Actual revenue will exceed that of 2019

At the same time, he explained that there are data that confirm that the actual revenues will exceed those of 2019 as well.

An encouraging element of this season is the fact that there is a diffusion of tourist traffic in more Greek destinations compared to last year..

In any case, the destinations that receive the main volume of tourist traffic this year are Crete, Rhodes, Halkidiki, the Cyclades, etc.

When asked if Greece is at risk of events, like those that happened in Spain, with locals turning against tourists, Mr. Hatzis explained that these areas of Spain welcome 16 million people, in an area smaller than Crete, which welcomes 6 million .

In the sustainability issues of the hotels, the president of POX emphasized that it should be done that the majority of the 10,500 hotels are small and medium enterprises that are affected by the rapid increase in operating costs and indeed face many problems that affect their operation.

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