New Research Reveals Eight Healthy Lifestyle Habits That Can Extend Your Life

by time news

New Research Reveals Eight Healthy Lifestyle Habits that Can Extend Life Expectancy

New research presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition has identified eight healthy lifestyle habits that could potentially add years to your life. The study found that men who adopted all eight habits by middle age lived 24 years longer than men who had few or none of the habits. Similarly, women who followed these habits increased their life expectancy by 23 years compared to those who did not.

The study analyzed data from nearly 720,000 U.S. veterans aged 40 and older, which is considered to be a nationally representative sample. The researchers referred to these habits as “therapeutic lifestyle factors.” Here are the eight key habits that were linked to longer life expectancy:

1. Following a healthy diet
2. Regular physical activity
3. Maintaining a healthy body weight
4. Not smoking
5. Moderate alcohol consumption
6. Sufficient sleep
7. Avoiding prolonged sitting or sedentary behavior
8. Not using opioids

According to the researchers, people who adopted all eight habits were 13 percent less likely to die for any reason during the study period, which lasted about eight years. The mortality rate for participants decreased as the number of healthy habits they followed increased.

The study also highlighted the most significant risks to mortality, which included smoking, low physical activity, and opioid use. The researchers described the adoption of these healthy behaviors as “lifestyle medicine,” which targets the underlying causes of chronic diseases rather than their symptoms.

Moreover, the lead researcher emphasized that lifestyle medicine could potentially help reduce healthcare costs. By addressing the root causes of chronic diseases through the adoption of these habits, individuals may be able to prevent or manage various health conditions, ultimately leading to lower healthcare expenditure.

This research sheds light on the importance of incorporating these lifestyle habits into daily routines for enhanced well-being and an increased lifespan. By making simple changes to our lifestyles, we have the power to significantly improve our health outcomes.

For more information and relevant research on this topic, please refer to the hyperlinks provided.

This article is part of The Post’s “Big Number” series, which aims to highlight the statistical aspect of health issues.

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