New restrictions on Airbnb and incentives for long-term rentals

by time news

2024-08-25 14:21:00

Solutions its main theme housing crisis housewives, students and those looking for rental housing in Athens and the region (professors, teachers, doctors, etc.) that the government is looking for because prices have risen.

Until now the government has not received a noun measurement to reverse the situation or otherwise, what has already been applied (changes to short-term leasesand the “Renovation – Rent” program.) did not yield results.

Information indicates that the prime minister is expected from the stage of TIF proceed with announcements about the great housing problem, which creates suffocation in thousands of families along with accuracy.

The final decisions they are expected to be made within the next 10 days, and the information states that changes to short-term leases will not, however, affect the institution with austerity measures as it generates significant income in the Greek economy and in the State.

According to government sources, the “packet” with the changes in real estate The big one is “answer”with the financial staff come together on a daily basis in search of appropriate solutions.

The same government sources say they are not going to change the tax rates of rental income based on today’s data, but pointing out that everything can change in the next 10 days.

At the same time, they report that incentives or disincentives could be introduced to make some people switch from short-term to long-term renting, or there could be restrictions on the number of properties a person can rent.

What is certain at the moment is to strengthen the housing policy with the “My House 2”amounting to 2 billion euros, of young couples through the social compensation program and the reform in the program “Renovation – Rent”which didn’t work.

On the table, a discount on income tax for those who give up short-term rent and prefer permanent tenants.

The scenarios on the table include increasing the number of short-term rental property owners who would have to start a business, introducing time, numerical and geographic restrictions on short-term rentals and possibly some form of income tax deduction. Specifically, the following are examined:

1. A ceiling on property leased by each VAT number, that is, each owner only rents one property. Basically, natural persons will not be allowed to make two or more properties available on a short-term lease. Those who operate at least two properties will be treated as entrepreneurs subject to the system VAT and they pay insurance contributions and a business fee. Today, in order to be considered a professional property owner and start a business, you must own three or more short-term rental properties.

2. The lease of each property shall not exceed 90 days per calendar year and in the case of islands with less than 10,000 inhabitants 60 days per calendar year. Exceeding the period will be allowed if the total income of the lessor or sub-lessee, from all properties available for lease or sub-lease, does not exceed 12,000 euros during the relevant tax year.

3. Incentives such as income tax relief for those who leave short-term and switch to long-term leasing are being considered.

Housing policy

Strengthening the housing policy with “My House 2”, which amounts to 2 billion euros. The government is finalizing negotiations with the Commission regarding the use of community funds that will subsidize housing loan installments for families with extended age criteria (up to 50 years) in relation to the first cycle of the program.

The boost young couples, large families and beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum income from the social compensation program, with the aim of providing low-priced housing from the “reservoir” of idle State real estate.

• Reform in the “Revival – Rent” program. with an increase in the subsidy to 60% from 40% today and the expenditure ceiling. Specifically, it is intended to:

a) Increase of the ceiling expenses to restore the residence from 10,000 euros, which is equivalent to 15,000 euros today.

b) Rate increase of the subsidy to 60% from 40% today, without changing the criteria and conditions, however.

With these two changes the subsidy those who plan to restore their foreclosed homes and make them available will deserve that for a long term lease it can reach 9,000 euros (15,000 x 60%) from 4,000 euros as it is today (10,000 x 40%).


Closed apartment

His details Ministry of Finance show that around 650,000 properties across Greece are vacant, ie not being used. Of these, it is estimated that around 150,000 are in Attica and Thessaloniki.

Among the hundreds of thousands of properties that appear vacant today, many are abandoned, multi-owner vacation homes, or secondary properties that have been open for years.

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