New Study Finds Heparin Not Effective in Preventing Miscarriage Among Women with Coagulation Tendencies

by time news

2023-06-01 15:32:37

They write about it in the important medical journal The Lancet, after conducting research among 326 women in hospitals in the United Kingdom, Belgium, the United States, Slovenia and the Netherlands. Women who had had two or more miscarriages and who have a hereditary tendency to coagulate participated.

Women with an increased tendency to clot have a miscarriage slightly more often. The use of heparin, a substance of animal origin, makes little difference: 71.6 percent of the research group that used the anticoagulant drug gave birth to a live baby, as did 70.9 percent of the standard care group.

Side effects of heparin include bruising and allergic skin reactions. No longer using it also saves a lot of injections, testing for clotting abnormalities thrombophilia and therefore a lot of money. In the Netherlands, all expectant mothers with an increased tendency to clot are prescribed LMWH.

#Researchers #advice #stop #anticoagulant #LMWH

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