New Study Links Poor Nutri-Score Foods to Increased Cardiovascular Disease Risk

by time news
  1. Cardiovascular diseases: a large study supports the interest of the Nutri-Score – Health – Santé بوابة الأهرام
  2. The consumption of foods ranked lower on the Nutri-Score is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases Inserm (press room)
  3. Nutri-Score: a poor rating increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases Les Échos
  4. A new study from Inserm confirms the link between the consumption of poorly rated foods on the Nutri-Score and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases franceinfo
  5. Ultra-processed foods are bad for the heart… but there’s a nuance

The Impact of Nutri-Score on Cardiovascular Health

Recent studies underscore the importance of nutritional labeling systems like Nutri-Score in guiding dietary choices that can significantly affect cardiovascular health. A comprehensive study conducted by Inserm has revealed a clear association between the consumption of poorly rated Nutri-Score foods and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. This finding has sparked renewed interest in the effectiveness of nutritional guidelines in preventing chronic health issues.

Foods that are marked with lower Nutri-Score ratings tend to be more ultra-processed, high in sugars, and saturated fats—all known contributors to heart-related ailments. As awareness of these risks grows, it is anticipated that consumers will lean towards healthier options as indicated by better Nutri-Score ratings. The possibility of this shift in consumer behavior could lead to a change in market offerings, with food manufacturers increasingly focusing on improving the nutritional quality of their products.

Additionally, regulatory bodies may strengthen labeling requirements, making Nutri-Score a prominent feature in the food industry. This increased emphasis on nutritional transparency could empower consumers to make better choices, targeting a reduction in cardiovascular disease prevalence over time. Moreover, public health campaigns centered around the benefits of a balanced diet and the role of Nutri-Score in managing health will likely gain traction.

As consumers become more health-conscious and informed, the demand for natural and minimally processed foods is likely to grow. This trend could press food producers to innovate and adapt their manufacturing processes to meet health standards while still appealing to consumer preferences. The interplay between nutrition science and consumer choices could shape a future where cardiovascular health is prioritized through informed eating habits.

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