New Study Reveals the Secret behind Immortality in Hydractinia Sea Creatures

by time news

Scientists Finally Discover How Immortal Sea Creatures Defy Aging

Hydractinia, a peculiar tube-shaped animal that resides on crab shells, has baffled scientists for years due to its ability to remain completely immune to aging. However, a recent study published in Cell Reports claims to have unraveled the mystery behind this unusual phenomenon. The research suggests that Hydractinia can actually harness the process of aging to grow an entirely new body.

This breakthrough provides scientists with a deeper understanding of how these immortal creatures persist despite the natural aging process. Charles Rotimo, co-author of the study and director of the Intramural Research Program at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), believes that studies like these can open doors to unraveling the complexities of aging in the human body.

Previously, scientists discovered that Hydractinia possesses unique stem cells that enable it to regenerate tissue within its body. Unlike specialized cells found in muscle and heart tissue, these stem cells have the remarkable ability to transform into any type of cell. It is this adaptability that allows the immortal sea creatures to grow new body parts.

Further delving into the subject, researchers found that a specific set of genes is closely linked to the immortality of these peculiar creatures. These genes enable the Hydractinia to engage in “senescence,” a process that facilitates the repair and regeneration of body parts. Removal of this gene set resulted in the Hydractinia’s inability to regenerate body parts and produce new stem cells.

The implications of this research stretch beyond understanding the Hydractinia’s unique abilities. By gaining insight into creatures that employ similar methods to regrow body parts and repair damage, scientists hope to gain a better understanding of how human cells age. Ultimately, this knowledge could pave the way for strategies to slow down the aging process.

As scientists continue to explore the mysteries of the natural world, discoveries like these shed light on the intricacies of life and offer promising prospects for advancements in human health and longevity.

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