“New study uncovers mysteries of fibromyalgia: autoimmune disease triggered by antibodies and why a mostly vegetable diet may alleviate symptoms; includes a meal plan and list of recommended and forbidden foods”

by time news

2023-05-04 13:31:21

Also exciting: These are the signs of fibromyalgia > >

Not much is known about the exact causes and effects of the recognized clinical picture. It actually took a long time before fibromyalgia could even be medically classified. Not until 1990 became internationally applicable Classification criteria for diagnosis submitted to the disease. Since then, it’s been easier for doctors to recognize fibromyalgia in sufferers for what it is.

In Deutschland suffer about 2.5 million people of fibromyalgia. The majority of those affected, for example 80 percent are women. Researchers do not yet know why women in particular are so frequently affected by FMS.

The disease gives scientists many puzzles on. Because unlike rheumatic diseases, which include fibromyalgia for a long time, can be no organic causes for the chronic muscle pain determined. Neither ultrasound nor MRI examinations show pathological changes in the muscles of those affected. There are also no indications of inflammation. So where is the pain coming from?

Neue Studie looset Mysteries of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia has long been thought to be a pain perception disorder that occurs in the brain itself when signals from nerve cells in muscles are misinterpreted. One Study at King’s College London from 2021 but allows other conclusions. The researchers were able to show that many of the Symptoms triggered by antibodies that increase the activity of pain receptors.

The detection was carried out by the researchers infecting mice with antibodies from FMS sufferers. The mice promptly developed classic symptoms of fibromyalgia: they were sensitive to touch and pressure, were more sensitive to cold and moved less. After a few weeks, however, the mice recovered completely – their immune systems had completely broken down and excreted the foreign antibodies.

Fibromyalgia so one seems disease of the immune system to be. The immune systems of those affected produce certain antibodies that act against their own body cells and nerve cells and cause chronic pain. So apparently fibromyalgia is one autoimmune disease.

Fibromyalgia diet: Fruits and vegetables are most important now

Fibromyalgia is difficult to treat, in part because common painkillers ineffectives are. Treatment and therapy are therefore very individual and differ from person to person.

A promising approach for treatment is done through diet. While there is no medically recommended fibromyalgia diet, research suggests that changing your diet to include a diet mostly vegetablen groceries can have a positive influence on the discomfort and pain.

The basis of the assumption is that oxidative stress in the body of those affected greatly increased seems to be. Oxidative stress will by free radical oxygen compounds triggered, which are either triggered by metabolic processes in the body, or have a direct effect on us in the form of UV radiation or toxins. The natural opponent such free radicals are antioxidants – and these are found in particularly large amounts in foods such as fruit and vegetables. We absorb them as vitamins or secondary plant substances.

Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and therefore reduce inflammation in the body. For sufferers of fibromyalgia, this can mean a reduction in symptoms. Anyone suffering from FMS should therefore consider changing their diet. A majority of the daily calories should then be off foods like Vegetables be included. Low-sugar fruits are also fine. In general, however: As little sugar as possiblebecause sugar triggers inflammation in the body.

These are the foods that end up on the plate

  • Vegetables
  • low-sugar fruit
  • legumes
  • Owner
  • Fisch
  • nuts
  • healthy fatty acids, for example from linseed oil
  • Fisch
  • full grain
  • lean meat in moderation

The foods to avoid if you have fibromyalgia are:

  • finished products
  • Zucker
  • Milch
  • wheat products
  • cured meats

Diet for fibromyalgia: The most important tips at a glance

Since the exact connections and mechanisms that take place in the body of people affected by fibromyalgia have not yet been fully deciphered, doctors recommend a diet that is rich in antioxidants and prevents inflammation. The following rules should be observed:

  • Stick to the “5 a day” rule of thumb. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables every day. At a serving size of around 80 grams per serving, this translates to: 5 servings of vegetables and/or fruit per day are good for health and metabolism. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) supports the “5 a day” campaign in Germany.
  • Avoid finished products as much as possible. Processed foods are often high in hidden sugars, saturated and trans fats, and salt. Sugar promotes inflammation in the body. In order to alleviate digestive problems in fibromyalgia, you should generally not eat greasy food.
  • cured meatscheap meat and Red meat shouldn’t or only in exceptional cases to be eaten. There is also a lot of sugar and even more salt hidden in sausage products. This is very bad for inflammation levels in the body, and vascular health also suffers from the high consumption of sausage and meat products.
  • Coffee, alcohol and sweets only in moderation consume. Alcohol in particular increases the oxidative stress on our body because it is a cell toxin.
  • At one balanced mineral consumption think. Especially magnesium fulfills an important function for our muscles. The mineral can help reduce muscle fatigue and fatigue. When it comes to your diet, focus primarily on legumes and whole grain products in your daily diet.

Definitely read: These foods have an anti-inflammatory effect > >

What bread to eat for fibromyalgia?

Pro-inflammatory foods should be avoided at all costs in fibromyalgia. These include, above all, heavily processed industrial breads such as toast, white rolls, butter croissants or pretzels.

However are Whole grain breads recommended. The more whole grains and grains you see in the bread the healthier and better. Also Oats, oatmeal and oat bran are good grains for fibromyalgia sufferers. Spelled and rye flours are also ideal for bread.

Learn more: Oat bran is so healthy – effects, nutrients and recipes > >

Fibromyalgia meal plan makes everyday life easier

Talk to your attending physicianto one individually on you and your illness tailored nutrition plan for fibromyalgia to work out. The nutrition plan should take your individual symptoms into account.

Do you suffer from severe digestive problems such as regular diarrheaespecially food should be with lots of fiber be on the menu. Fiber absorbs fluid and increases stool volume. Watery diarrhea in irritable bowel syndrome can be alleviated in this way.

Make sure your eating plan works with you enough proteins and antioxidants supplied. Vegetables and/or fruit should be included with every meal. Vegetables and fruit come into play again as snacks for in between meals. In this way, you can easily manage the recommended 400 grams of fruit and vegetables a day.

#Heres #ease #pain

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