New Study: Unknown Viruses in Glacier Ice – Potential Threat to Humanity?

by time news

2024-01-04 23:03:15
New study: Unknown viruses in glacier ice – how dangerous are they?

A new study has revealed that the eternal ice in the polar regions contains an extensive variety of microorganisms, some of which could potentially pose a threat to humanity. The study, conducted by researchers at Lanzhou University, found that the polar regions are home to an overwhelming number of microorganisms, including a surprising 10,840 types of DNA viruses.

The findings, published in the specialist magazine “Science Bulletin”, show that the majority of these viruses are bacteriophages, which do not pose a direct threat to humans as they are specialized on bacteria as host cells. However, the study also highlighted the potential risk associated with the viruses found in glacier ice.

Scientists have already discovered numerous remains of bygone eras in the permafrost soils and glaciers of the coldest regions on earth, from tiny creatures to fossils to complete mammoth babies. Under certain conditions, microorganisms trapped and preserved in ice can be revived, potentially posing a threat to human health.

The study from Lanzhou University involved taking and analyzing samples from a total of 38 glaciers in high mountains and polar regions worldwide. The research indicates that 83 percent of the viruses found are likely harmless to humans. However, some of the viruses do not kill their bacterial hosts immediately, allowing infected bacteria to continue to live. Additionally, the viruses can transfer their genetic material to bacteria, potentially leading to the development of antibiotic resistance.

This issue was brought to public attention in early 2023 when viruses from long past times were found in the Siberian permafrost. These “zombie viruses” were found in 27,000-year-old fossilized mammoth wool and were successfully revived by researchers.

The potential risks associated with the viruses found in glacier ice highlight the importance of continued research in this area. Understanding the diversity and potential impact of microorganisms in permafrost and glaciers is crucial in order to mitigate any potential threats to human health and the environment.]
#Study #Researchers #find #numerous #viruses #ice

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