New textbooks propose homeopathy against Covid-19

by time news

2023-08-03 00:00:36

For the 2023-2024 school year, all public education students will have new textbooks that have caused criticism for their content.
The authority in charge of its preparation is the National Commission for Free Textbooks (Conaliteg).
Homeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine that is based on curing diseases or ailments through natural products such as plants and distilled water.

Education is a fundamental part of life because it is the stage in which the basic aspects of different areas are learned. It is also a requirement to be able to access different jobs. But now it is a subject that is under discussion due to the elaboration of the new textbooks that have caused a strong controversy.

For decades, all public schools have offered free books to their students. They are the support of the teachers to impart their teaching. They exist for all available subjects such as Spanish, Mathematics, Geography, among others.

The authority in charge of the elaboration of each title is the National Commission for Free Textbooks (Conaliteg). Periodically it makes revisions to update the content of each one. The aim is to adapt the content with respect to the most recent evidence.

New textbooks cause controversy

Now is the time to talk about the work plan presented by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP). For the 2023-2024 cycle there will be various innovations such as a modification in school grades. What is sought is to implement a new educational model.

As part of this transformation, there will also be new textbooks. During the last few days, some pages have been leaked and have immediately caused annoyance among some sectors of the population.

In this case, Dr. Jonathan Rodríguez, who is a specialist in minimally invasive surgery, as well as being known on social networks as @yourfavoritedoctorshared the image of one of the new textbooks.

Based on what is observed, a case based on the recent events of the pandemic is described. A person with discomfort is mentioned and after going for a Covid-19 test, it is positive. The problem is what comes next.

It is mentioned verbatim “The doctor also suggested that we take hot infusions of some medicinal plants.” It is even claimed that celery, angelica, parsley, mint, mint, basil, garlic, onion and wild oregano offer beneficial effects against respiratory diseases.

All of the above has caused the anger of various doctors because they are claims that lack scientific support. It is also a promotion towards homeopathy, herbal medicine and alternative medicine.

And to all this, what is homeopathy?

It is a branch of alternative medicine that was officially created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the cure of diseases or ailments through natural products such as plants or distilled water.

At the time of its “creation” there was not enough evidence to verify that this type of treatment was really responsible for combating diseases and pain. Instead, today is different and to date is a discipline that lacks scientific support.

Based on the above, in 2019 the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), considered the highest authority on the correct use of language, made an important modification. From then on, she modified the definition of homeopathy by removing its supposed “healing powers” that were previously attributed to it to describe it as a simple practice.

Also read:

King Carlos III: Defender of homeopathy and herbalism

Doctor compares inclusive language with homeopathy: “It is absurd and baseless”

For this doctor, Homeopathy Day is commemorated every April 10

#textbooks #propose #homeopathy #Covid19

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