The AADE is setting up the new “net” for catching tax evasion by activating, until the end of September, the digital customer list, through which it will be able to monitor the customers of professionals and businesses in real time.

It is pointed out that the new “regime” that will apply to the market, in combination with the interconnection of cash registers with POS, digital waybills and electronic invoices will decisively contribute to the fight against tax evasion, especially with the tricks of concealing turnover from sophisticated .

This is because with the new “weapon” auditors will essentially be able to “see” the customers of thousands of professionals, the “customer traffic”, and immediately cross-check the data with the data for the receipts that the taxpayer displays in the electronic books in AADE’s MyData.

It is worth noting that, based on the plan of the Independent Public Revenue Authority, the measure will be applied in the first phase to car garages, vulcanizers, parking and vehicle rental companies, events and excursions organizers and will then be extended to other categories of professions . Especially with regard to the events sector, the measure will be applied to companies organizing weddings, baptisms, parties, catering companies, as well as event venues such as estates and banquet halls.

Sectors targeted

It should be mentioned that the first in the “target” of the tax control mechanism are:

1. Professionals related to the provision of services to vehicles such as vehicle repair shops, car electricians, vulcanizers, body shops, vehicle parts and accessories sales businesses, vehicle parking lots, car washes, vehicle rental businesses, new and used vehicle sales businesses.

2. Professionals active in the events industry from venues (estates and halls) to catering companies and organization companies.

3. Private schools, clinics and hospitals, diagnostic centers, doctors, lawyers, etc.

The digital register is essentially the modern digital version of the additional books kept by thousands of professionals until 2012, which were in handwritten form and in fact were mandatory for several decades in many professional sectors, such as doctors, dentists, accommodation or hospitality operators, educational institutions , clinics, treatment centers, beauty centers, gyms, garages, etc.. With this “model” everyone who entered the professional establishment was recorded and with the registration of a customer, the proof of service provision should also be issued. With the introduction of the new Code of Tax Procedures, the Code of Books and Items was abolished and as part of the simplification, the additional books were also abolished, a move that in several cases seems to have made it easier for those who do not issue receipts to hide income.

It is therefore clear that the digital customer register will act as an accounting program, open during the operation of the business, while it will be connected to TaxisNet to prevent tampering and alteration of data and will record the number of customers each day.

It will thus be able to compare the number of customers with the service receipts issued and recorded in MyData, and when an unusually low number of customers is declared by a business it will lead to an audit.

It is noteworthy that for specific categories of professionals there will also be a special interface, such as for workshops, where information will be cross-referenced with the Ministry of Transport, while a special register will be kept that will include all businesses throughout the territory and their characteristics .

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