New twist or new manipulation? – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-11-09 22:27:08

Lawyer at the Brussels Bar, Maître Alexis Deswaef – former president of the Belgian League for Human Rights – claims to have “ new elements » on the assassination of former minister and national deputy Cherubin Okende (Together). A case once described as “Cstate rhyme » by Moïse Katumbi, president of this party. The new elements in question revolve around the alleged involvement of a Belgian citizen, in this case Major General Christian Ndaywel, as author, co-author or accomplice in this homicide. Head of the Directorate of Military Intelligence in the DRC, General “Christian” had ordered the arrest of Salomon Kalonda. Does this explain it?

The complaint. During a press briefing he held on Wednesday, November 8, Me Alexis Deswaef said he was consulted by the Okende family. And this to compensate for the slowness shown by Congolese investigators in disclosing the results of the autopsy carried out on August 3 on the remains of her late husband. . “ An autopsy which revealed that the bullet which passed through Cherubin Okende’s head was fired after death (postmortem)», Says the lawyer.

By dint of “ Zap ” on the Cherubin Okende, Salomon Kalonda and Stanis Bujakera cases, the Brussels lawyer alerted the audience to realize that this conference was organized with the ” actively competes” of ” the Katumbi clan “. “At the head of the Directorate of Military Intelligence is Major General Christian Ndaywel, of Belgian nationality,” Alexis Deswaef said. He filed a complaint with a Belgian investigating judge under article 6 of the Criminal Investigation Code of the Kingdom of Belgium. In this context, Belgian justice could send a letter rogatory to Kinshasa or “ request the extradition of the suspect who is a Belgian citizen ».

ANR report. For this lawyer, Military Intelligence played a role in this crime. “ It clearly appears that the report attributed to the ANR is not a fake“. For him, “ Everything confirms that this note indeed comes from the ANR. The NGO Reporters Without Borders had already received it through diplomatic channels “. And ” the kidnapping took place from the parking lot of the Constitutional Court “. Me Deswaef concluded: “ Concern for family [Okende ] is that justice be done ».

After trying, without success, to obtain another opinion from the former Brussels resident Christian Ndaywel, the author of these lines was able to “ put the hand » on the relatives of this senior officer. Anonymity is required. The least we can say is that Me Deswaef’s press conference was well attended on Wednesday in Kinshasa.

While recognizing that there have been “blunders” in the past committed by agents of the ex-Demiap, our interlocutors practically sing in unison: “ This type of ‘stupidity’ has no longer been committed since Christian Ndaywel took over the management of this service. “. For them, since “Christian” is at the head of this service “ all the people passed by the Directorate of Military Intelligence are alive ». And to quote: Franck Diongo, Edward Mwangachuchu, Solomon Kalonda.

According to one of those close to “General Christian”, he never applied for Belgian nationality. According to him, “ we confused Christian Ndaywel with one of his sons who actually has Belgian nationality “. According to a diplomatic source, General Ndaywel was indeed passing through Brussels. “He had obtained a travel visa at the Belgian embassy in Kinshasa,” she emphasizes. One of the relatives chuckled: “ General Ndaywel may have obtained Belgian nationality without being notified… ».

Crime d’Etat. On Thursday July 13, the lifeless body of Cherubin Okende was discovered in his “Lexus” 4X4 registered 8953AF/19. A discreet man, the former Minister of Transport and Communications was very little known. He will only be formally identified after the arrival of magistrate Edmond Isofa.

From Abidjan where he was, Moïse Katumbi was the first “ to draw » by denouncing a “ crime d’Etat » before demanding an international investigation. And to add: “ I don’t trust the institutions of our country “. Augustin Matata Ponyo to relay this “ indignation » in almost the same terms.

Guest, on August 4, by Paulette Kimuntu in her show “ He talks “, the national deputy Léon Nembalemba, alias Papa Molière, is the first to point an accusing finger in the direction of the ” services ». « The services killed him ». [Traduction: les services l’ont tué] Without further details. What about mobile? Radio silence. Papa Molière boasted, in passing, of being a friend to Katumbi. “ He sent me $10,000 when I was hospitalized ».

From shepherd to shepherdess. On Tuesday, September 5, the online edition of the Parisian monthly “Jeune Afrique” published its “ oracle » which landed Stanis Bujakera in legal trouble. And for good reason, this journalist is known as being the correspondent of JA We can read that an ANR memo accuses the ex-Demiap of having killed the former minister. Some observers believe that this JA article had two objectives: (i) to cast shame on the Constitutional Court which is the judge of electoral disputes; (ii) provoke a fratricidal conflict between the Otetela and the Luba Kasaï.

From shepherd to shepherdess, in the camp of “ Fatshists », on accuse « Moses “. According to various sources, Cherubin Okende did not exercise his functions as spokesperson for Ensemble. Needless to recall the lamentations of Okende’s daughter that he was no longer well regarded within Ensemble. Some Tshisekedists will go further: “Okende was about to announce his joining the Sacred Union. He was eliminated for fear that he would reveal secrets.”

Two questions remain unanswered. Who took Cherubin Okende’s life? What is the motive? “ The press briefing hosted by lawyer Deswaef is more of a new manipulation than a new twist !”, comments a colleague.

Baudouin Amba Wetshi



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