New Unemployment: New unemployed people who will receive the subsidy of 480 euros

by time news

2023-12-02 01:40:51

Saturday, December 2, 2023, 00:40


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To obtain European funds, the Spanish Government committed to Brussels in 2021 to carry out a series of reforms that, among other aspects, affect welfare protection for the unemployed. Specifically, the Government is currently working on the possible changes that should be introduced in the unemployment benefit, modifications that are causing the first public confrontation between the members of the Executive. As explained by the Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, while the Ministry of Economy proposes cuts (such as raising the age of some of the possible beneficiaries, receiving them for twelve months in which the amount would decrease and imposing greater control over their disposition). to be employed), his department is committed to expanding this aid and simplifying the requirements to access it.00

Here it is important to differentiate what we commonly call ‘unemployment’ (the contributory benefit that corresponds to us for a maximum of two years if we meet certain contribution requirements at the time we lose our job) with unemployment assistance protection, which, although also can be achieved by those who do not meet the requirements to collect unemployment, generally begins when that first benefit ends, unless its termination is due to a sanction. This assistance protection is based on subsidies, starting with unemployment, which now wants to be reformed. Currently, this consists of a monthly payment of 480 euros that can be obtained by meeting certain requirements related to family responsibilities and income level.

This will be the new unemployment benefit

The modifications that, according to the Minister of Labor, the Council of Ministers will approve because they are already included in the coalition pact between the PSOE and Sumar and would come into force in the middle of next year, are the following:

-Expand the number of beneficiaries. Currently, about 800,000 of the 2.7 unemployed people in Spain receive it, a figure to which another 400,000 could be added by giving access to the subsidy to two groups that cannot apply for it right now: those under 45 years of age who do not have family responsibilities (estimates speak of 152,000 possible beneficiaries) and temporary agricultural workers from outside Extremadura and Andalusia (about 250,000).

-Increase the amounts of aid. Currently, 80% of the Public Multiple Income Indicator (IPREM) is charged, a percentage that would rise to 110% (today it would be equivalent to 660 euros) during the first semester, 90% (equivalent to 540 euros) during the second and 80 % (480 euros per month) for the rest of the time charged, up to a maximum of 30 months. Labor assures that this is one of the most conflictive points since the Economy proposal would only contemplate one year of coverage during which 100% of the IPREM would be charged for the first three months (600 euros); 80% in the second quarter (480 euros); 65% during the third (390 euros); and 50% in the last one (442.5 euros).

-Make the payment of the subsidy compatible with a new job for at least a month. That is, until the first payroll is collected, the beneficiaries could continue receiving 100% aid. The idea is to prevent income from not entering their homes during that first month and for fear of losing the subsidy, those who receive it from rejecting job offers that may seem unstable.

-Speed ​​up the procedures to receive this subsidy eliminating the requirement that currently requires appearing as a job seeker in the SEPE for at least one month since the termination of receipt of the contributory unemployment benefit.

The period of review of the economic situation of the beneficiary becomes quarterly, to check whether the level of income is still compatible with the receipt of the subsidy and thus avoid undue charges.

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