New variant of coronavirus from France: what is known about it | Europe and Europeans: News and Analytics | Dw

by time news

When it turned out that infection with the omicron variant of the coronavirus is less likely to lead to complications than with infection with the “delta”, the world breathed a sigh of relief. However, in early January, the media spread the news about the appearance of another mutant. Variant coronavirus B.1.640.2 was discovered in France in December 2021 in a traveler from Cameroon. So far, scientists cannot say with certainty how dangerous this variant of SARS-CoV-2 is and where it actually originated. It is only reported that the named patient managed to infect at least 12 more people in the south of France.

46 mutations in the new variant

B.1.640.2 differs from the original variant of SARS-CoV-2 by the presence of 46 mutations in an “atypical combination”, according to the preprint of one of the first studies on this topic.

This peer-reviewed study indicates that the “French” variant of the coronavirus has two already known spike protein mutations: N501Y and E484K. The first of them was detected even in the alpha variant of the coronavirus. Thanks to it, SARS-CoV-2 can better “stick” to the cells of the human body and, thus, spread faster in it.

In turn, E484K belongs to the category of so-called escape mutations located directly in the spike protein. Scientists believe that due to mutations of this kind, the virus is better able to resist the action of the immunity produced after vaccination.

How dangerous is the “French” variant of the coronavirus

Based on the scarce data available, it is not yet clear whether variant B.1.640.2 is more infectious than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. In addition, the number of detected infections with this mutation is still very small.

Nothing can be said for sure about the region where the new mutation actually originates. The fact that coronavirus B.1.640.2 was first detected in a patient returning from Cameroon does not mean that it was in this country that the mutation appeared.

It is known that one of the factors contributing to the emergence of new mutations of the coronavirus is the low level of vaccination of the population. According to Johns Hopkins University, only 2.4% of people in Cameroon are vaccinated against COVID-19 today.

Apparently, until the vaccination campaign reaches the whole world, new variants of the coronavirus will regularly appear on the planet.

Why there are fewer complications when infected with omicron

As for the omicron variant of the coronavirus, it is significantly more contagious than its predecessor, the delta variant. At the same time, more and more studies confirm that when infected with omicron, the disease often proceeds with mild symptoms.

Omicron variant of coronavirus less likely to lead to complications in vaccinated

The reasons for this are gradually becoming clear. The fact is that the cytotoxic T-lymphocytes of the immune system of people vaccinated against coronavirus and those who have recovered from COVID-19 react to omicron, preventing the development of complications.

Due to mutations in the omicron spike protein, it is more difficult for the body to defend itself against infection. However, cytotoxic T-lymphocytes produced by the immune system still work – just as when infected with the beta and delta variants, South African scientists have found. A study they conducted in Cape Town showed that specific T-lymphocytes vaccinated against coronavirus or those who had been ill with COVID-19 recognize the omicron as well as the original version of SARS-CoV-2 detected in Wuhan in 2019.

Omicron affects the lungs less often

Meanwhile, scientists from the United States and Japan, conducting experiments on animals, found that “omicron” affects the lungs less often. Instead, the virus typically targets the upper respiratory tract: the nasopharynx, throat and trachea, according to a peer-reviewed study.

Employees of the University of Hong Kong came to similar conclusions in mid-December 2021. They found that the omicron variant infects the bronchial system 70% faster than the “delta”, and multiplies there faster, but its volume in the lung tissue is ten times lower.

The need for mechanical ventilation is lower

These observations confirm the conclusions of scientists from the UK, where the “omicron” is widespread today.

Despite the large daily increase in infections in the kingdom, the number of hospitalizations there has been steadily decreasing. Compared to the period of the spread of the delta variant, they are now less by a third. The number of patients requiring mechanical ventilation has also dropped significantly.

Intensive care ward in Berlin

Omicron affects the lungs less often

This trend gives hope, but virologists advise against rejoicing prematurely. After all, a large number of infections also means an increased burden on national health systems. The likelihood of encountering complications when infected with omicron is higher for those who have not yet been ill with covid and have not been vaccinated against coronavirus, experts warn.

First case of “flurons” in Israel

Meanwhile, the Israeli government said a 31-year-old pregnant woman had contracted the coronavirus and seasonal flu at the same time. This is the first known case of such a double infection in the world. Journalists have already dubbed it “flurona”, combining the English word “flu” (flu) and coronavirus (coronavirus).

The woman was vaccinated. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, she is now showing mild symptoms of the disease.

Israel has seen a surge in influenza infections in recent weeks. According to the Times of Israel, by the end of 2021, about 2,000 people were hospitalized in the country for this reason. Now the Ministry of Health fears that cases of double infections may become more frequent, and is carefully studying the first case “flurons” to find out if it can cause more serious diseases.

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