New Year’s Eve 2022, the New Year’s Eve stork will fly over 10 cities

by time news

New Year’s Eve 2022, despite the glow of the fireworks, the storks will soar on New Year’s Eve. And they will be seen darting particularly busy especially in the sky above ten Italian cities, from Genoa to Trapani. Thanks to the weather. Pediatrician Italo Farnetani traces the routes most traveled by the new babies who will travel while 2021 gives way to 2022.

“According to consolidated studies that I have been dealing with for many years – she explains to Health – the ideal temperatures for conceiving, suitable for her and for him, are the minimums of the night around 12 degrees centigrade. These temperatures are ideal for mobility and the survival of the spermatozoa. While the lengthening of the days, as it begins to have after the winter solstice on Tuesday 21 December, is very useful above all for women. The light takes away the brake on both female and male sexual hormones. third point is the favorable situation that is created in the Christmas holidays: there is the euphoria of the New Year, which this year coincides with a ‘long’ weekend; in addition, with Covid, the celebrations will be in the family. it will have an effect: there will be more time available to the couple, and it is foreseeable that it will be easier to conceive “.

“As evidence of how ‘fruitful’ this period is, there is also a fact”, which photographs the impact on the birth rate after 9 months: “September and October for many years have boasted the highest number of new born in Italy – highlights the full professor of paediatrics at the Ludes Free University of Malta – Here then, based on the weather forecast of temperatures for New Year’s Eve, the 10 cities where it could be easier to conceive a child between 31 December 2021 and 1 January 2022: Alghero, Brindisi, Genoa, Marsala, Naples, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Salerno, Taranto, and Trapani “.

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