Palestinere går gjennom ødeleggelsene etterlatt av den israelske luft- og bakkeoffensiven på Gazastripa nært Shifa-sykehuset i Gaza by, mandag 1. april 2024. [AP Photo/Mohammed Hajjar]
New York Times publiserte torsdag en detaljert beretning som rapporterte eksistensen av offisielle israelske militærdokumenter som autoriserer drap av 20 ikke-stridende i hvert angrep på en enkelt antatt Hamas-supporter, der relasjonen i noen tilfeller når 100 til én.
Rapporten gjør det klart at Israel har ført sin krig mot Gaza som en utryddelseskrig, med drap av sivilbefolkningen gjennom luftbombardementer som et mål på linje med massakren av de som tok opp våpen mot den israelske okkupasjonen.
Times rapporterte at innen timer etter begynnelsen av 7. oktober-angrepet utstedte IDF en enestående ordre som effektivt autoriserte ubegrenset bombardement av sivile områder i Gaza.
«I hvert angrep, sa ordren, hadde offiserer autoriteten til å risikere å drepe opptil 20 sivile,» skrev Times.
Ordren autoriserte IDF til å angripe personer som er vagt assosiert med Hamas mens de var hjemme med deres familier, og skapte betingelsene for den systematiske og bevisste massakren av hele husholdninger. «Det betydde, for eksempel, at militæret kunne angripe menige militante mens de var hjemme omgitt av slektninger og naboer.»
Times la til at «seniorkommandanter godkjente angrep på Hamas-ledere de visste ville sette mer enn 100 ikke-stridende i fare – og krysse en ekstraordinær terskel for et dagsaktuelt vestlig militær.»
Det som blir klart i beretningen til Times er at «systemet» og «reglene for engasjement» som blir brukt i «forebyggende angrep» rettet mot mistenkte Hamas-sympatisører,ikke var noe mer enn et dekke for et teppebombardement av Gaza med massive block-buster-bomber,med siktmål å drepe så mange mennesker som mulig og ødelegge så mye av Gaza som mulig.
Målet for denne massakren var et etnisk renset Gaza, for å bli permanent annektert, okkupert og bosatt, som en del av det Israels statsminister Netanyahu kalte det «nye Midtøsten», under direkte hegemoni og dominans av imperialistmaktene via deres israelske vasallstat.
det faktum at denne kampanjen for masseutryddelse fortsetter til i dag ble vist av mordet torsdag av fem journalister i et luftangrep, som bringer det totale antallet journalister drept i Gaza siden oktober 2023 til 201.
Til i dag har 45 361A recent report by the New york Times has revealed a controversial Israeli military order that allegedly permits the killing of 20 civilians for every combatant targeted in Gaza. This order, issued on October 7, has raised meaningful concerns regarding the use of artificial intelligence in military operations, especially through a system known as “Lavender,” which reportedly enables attacks on entire residential buildings without prior warning. the order, which was followed by another allowing for the endangerment of up to 500 civilians daily, has been described as a potential quota for mid-level officers, according to West Point professor Michael N. Schmitt. Despite U.S. officials advocating for the use of less destructive munitions,reports indicate that the majority of bombs supplied to Israel have been high-capacity,raising questions about the humanitarian implications of these military strategies.The ongoing conflict in Gaza has raised significant concerns regarding civilian casualties, particularly among women and children, who account for 70% of the deaths sence October, according to a November report from the United Nations human Rights Office. Despite claims from the Biden administration that Israel does not intend to commit genocide or forcibly displace the population, evidence suggests that U.S. intelligence was aware of the situation shortly after it began.This conflict marks a troubling chapter in U.S.-sponsored military actions in the Middle East, echoing tactics used in previous wars, including the Iraq invasion, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. As the U.S. continues to support Israel with military aid, the implications of these actions on global human rights and international law remain a critical topic of discussion. forbrytelser vil bare danne presedens for videre bruk av massedrap mot tett befolkede byområder, rundt om i verden og innen USA selv.
Imperialistmaktenes medvirkning til genocidet i Gaza står som en tiltale mot hele kapitalistsystemet, som systematisk normaliserer genocid – den høyeste formen for sosialt barbari – til forsvar av interessene til det parasittiske kapitalistiske finansoligarkiet.
editor: Thank you for joining us today to discuss the recent revelations from The New York Times regarding Israel’s military strategies in Gaza. The report indicates that official Israeli military documents authorized the killing of multiple civilians for each suspected hamas supporter targeted. What are the implications of such an order being in place?
expert: Thank you for having me. The implications are profound. This approach undermines the essential principles of distinction and proportionality that are vital in international humanitarian law. By allowing for the potential death of up to 20 civilians for every one presumed combatant, it effectively normalizes a form of collective punishment and raises serious ethical and legal questions about the conduct of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Editor: Indeed. The article mentions that the IDF issued these orders shortly after the attacks on October 7, suggesting a drastic shift in their operational rules. How does this compare to previous military engagements in the region?
Expert: Historically, Israeli operations have engaged with a degree of operational restraint, particularly concerning civilian casualties. In recent conflicts, they have emphasized safeguarding civilians, albeit amidst ongoing debates about the effectiveness of those measures. The loosened rules reported this time indicate a troubling departure from even their previous standards, highlighting a shift towards a strategy that appears more aggressive and devastating for civilian populations.
Editor: The report also draws parallels to a form of extermination warfare. How does this shift in military strategy reflect on the broader humanitarian situation in Gaza?
Expert: The situation in Gaza is dire. The report underscores how the loosened rules have exacerbated the already catastrophic humanitarian situation.With meaningful civilian casualties and damage to critical infrastructure, including hospitals, the likelihood of a humanitarian disaster increases. This not only affects immediate health and safety but also undermines any prospects for long-term peace and stability in the region.
Editor: There is a growing international concern regarding civilian protections during armed conflict. What steps could be taken by the international community in response to these findings?
Expert: The international community must hold all parties accountable for violations of international law. This includes calling for autonomous investigations into these military actions by the IDF and urging adherence to humanitarian principles. Moreover, diplomatic efforts should focus on fostering dialog aimed at de-escalation and a enduring resolution to the conflict, as well as providing immediate humanitarian assistance to those affected.
Editor: Thank you for your insights. As this situation continues to evolve, it is crucial to remain vigilant and committed to addressing the humanitarian needs and upholding the rule of law in conflict situations.