New York Woman Restores Barbie Dolls for Migrant Girls in Heartwarming Act of Kindness

by time news

Title: New York Volunteer Restores Dolls as Gifts for Migrant Children

Subtitle: The gift of a Barbie doll brings comfort and joy to young migrants crossing the US border

New York City, NY – Barbara Lakin, a former fashion designer, has found a unique way to bring comfort to migrant children who have endured arduous journeys to reach the US border. Lakin spends hours sewing couture outfits for discarded Barbie dolls, which she then donates to the children.

Lakin’s inspiration came when she came across a discarded brown doll that had been found at a local shop. Instead of throwing it away, she cleaned and sewed a dress for it. Seeing the joy that the doll brought to a young girl at the Port Authority, Lakin realized the impact she could make by restoring old Barbies and giving them a new purpose.

Through her volunteer work with Team TLC NYC, an organization that assists migrants at New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, Lakin has already given away nearly 20 Barbies. She hopes to receive more donations, especially Black and brown Barbies that resemble the girls who will receive them. The addition of matching clothes made from donated shirts ensures that father-and-daughter duos can share a special connection through the dolls.

The Little Shop of Kindness, opened by Team TLC NYC, provides a shopping experience for migrants where they can find donated clothing and essentials for free. Lakin’s handmade Barbie outfits are displayed among the racks of clothing, allowing the girls to choose their own doll with matching attire.

The children who visit the Little Shop of Kindness have often experienced unspeakable horrors during their journey to the United States. While the dolls cannot erase their traumas, they provide a small source of comfort and help them feel special amidst their difficult circumstances.

Lakin’s work has become a therapeutic outlet for her. From sourcing the dolls to designing their outfits, she puts her years of fashion expertise to good use. Each Barbie receives personal attention, ensuring that their outfits match their unique personalities.

Team TLC NYC operates solely on donations, and Lakin encourages people to contribute non-White Barbies for her makeover projects. By providing dolls that reflect the migrant children’s own appearances, Lakin aims to break away from traditional beauty stereotypes and embrace the diversity of the girls.

While a Barbie doll may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it allows these migrant children to temporarily escape their harsh realities and experience the joy of childhood. Lakin’s efforts, accompanied by the support of Team TLC NYC, bring a glimmer of hope to those who have endured unimaginable hardships, proving that even the smallest gesture can make a difference.

As the national debate on immigration continues, these vulnerable children remain unaware of their precarious situation. However, through the gift of a Barbie doll, they are reminded of their worth and the power of their individuality, offering a brief respite from the challenges they face.

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