News 24 | 3 ways to fuel the body and keep fit while fasting

by time news

As the month of Ramadan approaches, the body must be prepared for fasting; As harmful dietary patterns negatively affect the body’s ability to fast, and lead to a feeling of tiredness and fatigue throughout the day.

During the month of Ramadan, there is a radical and sudden change in the timing of meals and in the biological clock, as well as in food choices and physical activity, which exposes the fasting person to disturbances, especially in light of the lack of the amount of food consumed by the body.

Many are confused about how to maintain their fitness and strength in the month of Ramadan, as the fasting period throughout the day makes a person feel hungry and thirsty, in addition to feeling a state of lethargy and laziness, so the body must be prepared for exercise and maintain high physical fitness.

In order for the fasting person to benefit from the blessed month of Ramadan, he must focus on proper nutrition and food regulation, in addition to exercising and drinking water regularly to avoid many problems.

In this report, we review some tips to provide the body with energy and maintain its fitness during fasting:

Maintaining water content in the body

Water constitutes 60% of the human body, and it is an important and vital element for its functions. The percentage of water in the body varies, as the body loses it through urination and sweating and restores it through food and drink.

The amount of fluid a person needs depends on age, climate and activity level. Adults need 2-3 liters of water per day. Therefore, care should be taken to drink plenty of fluids before the beginning of the fasting hours, and soft drinks, tea and coffee should be reduced. It is a diuretic.

Maintaining water content in the body

Making healthy choices

Hunger contributes to prompting the fasting person to eat large quantities or eat inappropriate fast foods, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate healthy foods that help the body maintain its fitness and provide it with energy, instead of excessive eating Ramadan sweets rich in fat, sugar, calories and few nutritional components at the time. Himself.

Balance eating, rest and physical activity

During fasting, the body consumes stored carbohydrates and fats in order to provide energy, and the body tends to enter a state of dehydration and thus more difficulty focusing on daily tasks, so eating fruits and vegetables brings great benefits to the body, energy and focus during fasting hours.

A balance must also be achieved between eating breakfast in Ramadan and rest and physical activity, as it helps provide the body with energy and prepare for fasting the next day, and some studies related to weight gain or loss during Ramadan have shown that the amounts of energy gained remain at the same level or increase despite the decrease The number of daily meals.

Balance eating, rest and physical activity

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