News 24 | 7 tips to prepare the body for Ramadan fasting without suffering

by time news

Experts in the field of nutrition gave 7 tips to prepare the body well to receive the blessed month of Ramadan, and to avoid some health problems that some fasting people face due to changing some eating habits.

Experts pointed out the importance of preparing the body to receive the holy month a few days before the start of its fast, and training to change some of the usual life matters.

Coffee and tea lovers

Nutrition experts recommended that lovers of strength, tea and drinks that contain caffeine, practice reducing the amount they consume daily by half before Ramadan to avoid severe headaches in the first days of Ramadan, while their bodies do not get the usual dose of caffeine.

Coffee and tea

Reduce meals

Scientific studies have advised the necessity of reducing the number of daily meals before the start of fasting while not overeating, and starting to reduce the quantities eaten in each meal, to make the body get used to eating less food and calories, as well as dispensing with snacks between main meals.


Salt and sugar consumption rate

Nutritionists emphasized the importance of reducing the consumption of salt and sugar, discovering the foods that a person eats regularly and containing high levels of them, and reducing their intake prior to the fasting process, at a rate that the body does not notice so that the body can get used to reducing the levels of sugar and salt intake, pointing to the necessity of this matter, whether in Ramadan or throughout life.


The quality of the food

Nutrition experts pointed out the importance of paying attention to the quality of food rather than the quantity, by the need to eat healthy foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and meat, noting that these foods provide the body with energy for a longer period, and prevent the sudden drop in sugar levels during the day, and stressed the importance of avoiding unhealthy foods, Such as fatty and fried foods, sweets, soft drinks, and processed juices, which require additional effort to digest, and increase the feeling of hunger after a while.

vegetables and fruits

Drinking water

Doctors stated that it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water to ensure that the body remains in an ideal state of hydration, that is, at least two liters per day, which helps reduce the severity of dehydration that the body will face in the coming days, during fasting.


healthy sleep

Scientific studies have confirmed the importance of fixing the sleep pattern, as sleep disorders are common problems during Ramadan, pointing to the need to get used to sleeping early, waking up at a specific time, and taking a nap if possible, because this will help the body in Ramadan to preserve its activity. continuously.


Doctors recommended the need to exercise regularly before Ramadan, as well as to exercise for 30 minutes before or after breakfast to maintain the physical fitness of the body continuously.

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