News 24 | A consultant reveals the relationship of Saudi fertility to low births… and the impact of Corona on fertility

by time news

A report issued by the World Bank showed a significant decline in the fertility rate in the Arab countries. According to the report, the fertility rate in the Kingdom has decreased to 2.24 births per mother (from 15 to 49 years).

The consultant of delayed childbearing, obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Bandar Kutobi for “News 24Some have a belief that the decline in the number of births in the Kingdom in recent years lies in the decline in fertility and the difficulty of pregnancy, and this is true to some extent, the lack of fertility and the difficulty of pregnancy occurs when the couple practices the marital relationship for at least 12 months on a regular basis and does not get pregnant Noting that the decline in the number of births is a completely different issue, and it is a voluntary and personal decision of the spouses in most cases.

He explained that, according to research, the Corona vaccine is not harmful to procreation, but infection with the disease reduces fertility, and most research so far focuses largely on semen for ease of measuring its impact, noting that the results – until now – are not reassuring, especially if infection with a virus. Corona is severe and accompanies hospitalization and high temperatures.

Dr. confirmed. Kutbi said that the delay in pregnancy has several reasons, the most important of which is the wife’s age and the husband’s semen quality. The wife’s age is very important, and the husband’s age is much less important, especially if he is healthy and non-smoker, where he can have children until an advanced age, while the woman is quite the opposite. She is born with a limited number of eggs, and as she gets older, the number and quality decreases. A woman’s fertility is measured by the stock of her ovaries of eggs and the quality of those eggs.

He pointed out that the appropriate time to visit a doctor who specializes in delayed pregnancy and childbearing is in the case of the regularity of the cycle and the regularity of the marital relationship (2-3 times a week), whether after 12 months if the wife is less than 35 years old, or after 6 months if the age The wife is over 35 years old.

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