News 24 | After 19 years he lived as a female, he discovered that he was male.. The father of the young man tells the details.. and a legal person clarifies the penalty for the perpetrator of the medical error

by time news

In a scene like a fantasy, some may believe him and many may doubt.. The story began at the birth of “Raed”, where he was diagnosed at birth as a female, but it was late to discover the truth and that he was male, to fall victim to a medical error that lasted for 19 years.

In the details, Abdullah Al-Shubaili, the father of the young “Raed”, said to “News 24When a pioneer was born, the doctors assured him that he was a female and had some deformities, but they would disappear with the stage of growth. However, the lack of menstruation at the age of 13-14 years is what made him doubt the issue and start a medical follow-up again.

He added that he started the follow-up again, but the gynecologist explained that some girls naturally suffer from delayed puberty, and after several reviews – which lasted for months – we discovered at the age of 19 through the developed radiological techniques that he was a male and not a female, as it was found that he had testicles and a penis with a report. Medical from one of the specialized government hospitals.

Al-Shubaili indicated that he has been pursuing his son’s right for more than two years and is awaiting the dismissal of the judiciary and the accountability of those responsible for this medical error, with the need to treat his son Raed physically and psychologically, in addition to changing his name and gender in all of his identification papers.

For her part, obstetrics and gynecology consultant Maha Al-Nimr explained that such cases occur when the fetus’s genitals are not clearly defined and “distorted.” In the past, the sex was determined based on what the doctor appears, as the majority thought that it was female due to the small size of the organs.

She pointed out that in modern medicine now, if the organs are diagnosed that they are not clear by radiology, a sample is taken from the mother’s blood to determine the sex or from the amniotic fluid, and if after birth it is discovered that the sex is not clear, the parents are informed and chromosomal analysis is performed directly so that the sex of the child is known early Then, the appropriate male or female hormones are given.

“Al-Nimr” stressed that if the diagnosis was made late, psychological and social treatment should be started, as well as physical therapy, which consists of sex-correction operations.

For his part, the legal advisor and the judicial arbitrator, Muhammad Al-Wahaibi, confirmed that the Saudi judiciary has granted the right to the victim of such medical errors to claim compensation for the psychological and social damages he sustained.

He explained that the penal penalty for the perpetrator is determined by imprisonment for a period of 6 months and a fine of not more than 50,000 riyals, or with both penalties according to the error, for the public right, indicating that the aggrieved party may file a lawsuit to claim the private right as financial compensation or request a prison sentence for those who caused this damage in the event Evidence of criminal responsibility.

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