News 24 | After the increase in the number of infected people… everything you need to know about influenza… 10 answers

by time news

Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, a consultant cardiologist and catheter, explained that acute influenza may raise heart enzymes and cause chest pain, suppression and irregular heartbeat, so one must go to the nearest emergency room.

Al-Nimr stated that everyone is allowed to take the seasonal flu vaccination, especially patients with cardiovascular diseases, the elderly, kidney failure, diabetes, asthma, immunodeficiency, and children from 6 months to 5 years of age.

He pointed out that the more severe the burden of influenza in adults in terms of symptoms, temperature and severity of the disease, the greater the amount of viruses excreted and thus the possibility of infection to others, pointing out that taking vitamin C daily in the winter season does not prevent colds or influenza.
He stated that the influenza patient spreads the virus around him 180 cm with just normal breathing, while sneezing spreads it further, as the infection is transmitted through contact, talking with the patient, coughing and sneezing.

Al-Nimr mentioned that the symptoms of seasonal influenza include a high temperature of more than 38 degrees Celsius, chills, sweating, headache, continuous dry cough, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat, and muscle pain.

He warned of complications, which include inflammation of the lungs, ear bronchi, asthma, heart problems, blood poisoning and death.

And the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Muhammad al-Abd al-Aali, confirmed the day before yesterday (Saturday) that seasonal flu activity during these days may be stronger than previous seasons, and that an increase in the number of infected people in emergency departments has been monitored, warning that the repercussions may lead to death.

He stressed the importance of confronting this virus with preventive methods, the most important of which is taking the seasonal influenza vaccine, as it protects by 80% from severe symptoms and reducing critical cases, in addition to the need to take all preventive measures by wearing a mask and maintaining a sufficient distance between the patient and others.

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