News 24 | Consultant: The increase in Corona cases is not related to the rise in temperature.. Vaccination must be completed and precautionary measures must be adhered to

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Infectious Diseases Consultant, Dr. Owaida Al-Dosari, confirmed that there is no relationship to the seasons and the change in temperature with the increase in cases of “Covid-19” and the speed of its spread recently.

Al-Dosari said that the rise in cases that we are currently witnessing is not limited to the Kingdom, but is observed worldwide, and one of the most important reasons for it is the lack of commitment to wearing a muzzle in social gatherings and washing hands inside and outside the home, calling for caution and caution at the time of presence in gatherings and closed events.

Take a break “News 24The branched species of the Omicron mutant differ from the previous mutant in the speed of their spread, and this is proven by recent studies, but it may be less severe and less in the incidence of death – God forbid -.

He pointed out that the category of children and their contribution to the rise in cases cannot be ignored, as it is normal for the lack of vaccinations in this category and the difficulty of their commitment to precautionary measures.

Al-Dosari indicated that the steady increase in the number of cases may represent only another number that does not cause fear, but it certainly calls for caution, avoiding being in crowds without masks, taking care of personal hygiene, and fulfilling doses of Corona vaccines.

It is worth noting that since Eid Al-Fitr, the Kingdom has witnessed a steady increase in Corona cases, until, during the past two days, it approached the barrier of 1,000 cases, in addition to an increase in critical cases.

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