News 24 | Corona in the Kingdom .. a jump in injuries, critical cases, and the number of recoveries

by time news

During the past 24 hours, the epidemiological situation of the new Corona virus in the Kingdom recorded a new leap in the level of infections, recovery cases and critical cases.

New infections rose for the second day, after a 5-day decline, and crossed the threshold of a thousand with 1,232 cases, a significant increase of 302 cases from yesterday, which is the highest daily toll since February 17, 2022.

Recoveries also increased, with 1,152 cases recorded, an increase of 160 cases over the number recorded on Sunday, but it returned to be less than injuries.

This brings the total number of corona infections to 786,069, of whom 767,042 have recovered, and there are still 9,838 active cases.

Critical cases witnessed a new jump today (Monday), with 10 cases of intensive care, bringing the total of critical cases to 124.

On the other hand, the deaths recorded as a result of Covid 19 decreased, as one case died during the past 24 hours, bringing the total deaths to 9,189. Thus, deaths remain at their stable rates recorded since the beginning of October 2021.

Corona cases today, Monday

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