News 24 | News of Health 24: 400 new cases of coronavirus, most of which are incompletely vaccinated

by time news

The Ministry of Health revealed the feasibility of the “Covid 19” or “Corona” vaccines, which were received by a large percentage of citizens and residents. In the face of any future symptoms, through the percentage of immunity that these vaccines form in the human body.

These assurances came during the ministry’s disclosure to “News24About monitoring cases of “Corona virus”, ranging from 200 to 400, on a daily basis, but they are moderate to mild, as a result of the effect of anti-virus vaccines.

The Ministry confirmed that among the cases there is a small percentage that can be described as “severe”, which requires “hypnosis”, and that most of them are people who did not complete the immunization process, or did not take the initiative to take the booster doses.

And the Ministry of Health indicated that sub-mutants, such as the “Omicron” mutant, are prevalent so far in the Kingdom and around the world, while it is considered the fastest transmission among humans from previous mutants, pointing out that its symptoms are at a lower level, but it is capable of causing severe crises, especially for those who did not They complete the immunizations, especially of the elderly, or those who have chronic diseases that may affect immunity, warning at the same time that it is transmitted through “respiratory droplets” from the infected person to the direct contacts around him.

The Ministry of Health reaffirmed the importance of the “booster dose” and its effective role in maintaining immunity and preventing severe disease, and that the opportunity is available to obtain the dual vaccine, which is specially designed to prevent complications from the “Omicron” mutants, even for those who have previously taken the booster dose previously.

With regard to the “Marburg” virus, the Ministry of Health stated that it was discovered in 1967, following the monitoring of a number of infections, in laboratories dealing with African green monkeys, including a laboratory in the German city of Marburg, and therefore the virus was named by this name.

She indicated that the natural reservoir of the virus is the “fruit bat”, which causes severe hemorrhagic fever, and is infected by humans who travel to endemic areas, deal with infected bodily fluids, or come into contact with infected animals, while the “Ebola” virus is the closest known virus to it.

As for its symptoms, it begins after an incubation period of 5 to 10 days, and its carrier suffers from high fever, headache, and muscle and joint pain, then the matter turns into “vomiting and diarrhea” on about the seventh day, to start symptoms of bleeding, multiple organ failure, and the death rate reaches 80. % in the absence of medical care, and decreases to 25% when providing intensive medical care, and prevention is by avoiding traveling to areas where the disease is active, and not mixing with infected people and wild animals in settlement areas, especially caves that contain bats, and so far there is no It has an approved vaccine, and no cases have been detected outside the African continent this year.

The Ministry of Health confirmed the availability of the necessary laboratory tests in the Kingdom, while a comprehensive guide was issued to deal with any suspected cases, with intensive training provided to health practitioners concerned with the initial response to suspected cases at entry points, and in health facilities that may deal with suspected cases of hemorrhagic fever.

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