News 24 | The Food and Drug Administration warns of the dangers of supplementing melatonin..and these drugs should not be taken with it

by time news

The Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has warned against excessive use of the melatonin supplement, which is used to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, and relieve fatigue after traveling due to the time difference.

She added that the excessive use of this supplement leads to the individual suffering from headaches, nausea and dizziness, stressing that there is a conflict between melatonin and some medications such as blood pressure medications, diabetes medications, and contraceptive medications, so it is recommended to use it under medical supervision.

She pointed out that the secretion of melatonin in the body contributes to the regularity of the sleep cycle, and the production of the hormone decreases with age, and its secretion decreases when there is light, and its secretion increases in the dark.


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