News 24 | The most important of them are peppers and apples.. 5 foods for healthy lungs in winter

by time news

Medical studies recommended eating 5 types of foods and drinks to maintain the health of the lungs, especially in the winter season, given their vital role in providing the oxygen needed for the body to continue its multiple functions, especially with the spread of respiratory viruses.

The “Healthline” medical website published a list of these foods and drinks that are beneficial for the health of the lungs and provide them with a great deal of protection, especially with weather fluctuations, as follows:



A study by the US Office of Dietary Supplements said that pepper is among the richest sources of vitamin C, and it also acts as a powerful antioxidant, which makes it useful in dealing with infections, especially for smokers.



A California State University study stated that eating apples regularly may help enhance lung function, and reduce the risk of asthma and lung cancer, due to the antioxidants it contains, including vitamin C.


A study by the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Minnesota, USA, showed that pumpkin contains a variety of plant compounds that promote lung health such as “carotenoids”, including “beta-carotene”, “lutein” and “zeaxanthin”.



A study conducted by the University of Genoa, Italy, concluded that curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, is particularly useful for supporting lung function, and that smokers who smoked have improved their lung function compared to those who did not.

5-green tea

Green tea

A study issued by the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine in Taiwan concluded that green tea prevents tissue fibrosis in the lungs, due to the richness of this drink in antioxidants and infections.

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