News: A solution has been reached to the electricity and heating crisis at Rabbi Nachman Bauman’s grave

by time news

The electricity and heating crisis in Ukraine: the chairman of Ihud Breslav Bauman, Rabbi Natan Ben Nun, worked to install a central heating system in the Rabbi Nachman Zion complex • A dedicated generator was ordered from abroad and will arrive in the coming days

At the end of the month of Tishrei, the Russians began massive attacks throughout Ukraine, when they aim to damage and damage vital infrastructure sites and facilities, such as power generation stations, pumping facilities, sewage treatment plants and cellular facilities.

Since the beginning of the damage to the essential facilities in all regions of Ukraine have to deal with electricity allowances.

Residents of Oman say that in recent weeks there has been no regular electricity supply during most hours of the day.

As soon as the electricity and heating crisis began, the chairman of Ihud Breslav Bauman, Rabbi Natan Ben Nun, began extensive activity in a desperate attempt to purchase a suitable generator and heating system for the grave complex of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav.

At the Breslav Union, we are in the midst of an intense race against time in order to complete and install the heating systems and an industrial generator that will provide the required electricity consumption and heating during the cold winter months in the compound.

These days they started installing a central heating system in the tomb complex. Also, a dedicated generator was ordered from abroad and will arrive in the next few days to commemorate Rabbi Bauman.

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