News in the south found 6 more cases of malaria in Novsay, Phang Nga province

by time news

This morning in Mo Chit – Phang Nga Province, 6 new cases of Malaria Noosai have been found in the past six months.

The Center for Communicable Disease Control in Phang Nga Province recently reported that malaria cases Plasmodium knowlesi were infected by wild monkeys and bitten by Anopheles mosquitoes. Found that there are 6 infected, divided into Thap Phut District 5 and Kuraburi District 1 case. All infected patients are males. Occupational gardeners. are over the age of 45

current situation The staff had randomly drawn blood. Take 10-50 blood samples per day for microscopic examination. Compared to malaria continually, it was found that infected patients entered orchards. Near the forest area inhabited by mosquitoes, which are the vehicles that transmit infection from wild monkeys. and being bitten by an Anopheles mosquito causing infection with flu-like symptoms, characterized by high fever, chills, body aches. Immediately see a doctor or Center for Disease Control. in order to draw blood for examination because it may be life-threatening

protection can be prevented By cutting the infection cycle, which is to prevent Anopheles mosquitoes that may be infected by monkeys biting their organs and bodies. by wearing tight clothing, sleeping with mosquito nets, applying anti-mosquito bites

In addition, the center staff coordinated with the Phang Nga Livestock Office and the network to prepare a plan to bring monkey blood samples in tourist areas to detect Plasmodium knowlesi in order to prevent future transmission.

Most recently, the provincial defense group There were discussions to prepare random monkey blood drawn at tourist attractions. to find infection as a protection and build confidence that there will be no outbreak

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